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When Annie woke, she expected to be cold. It was the middle of winter and she had forgotten to leave the fire running in the hearth. And yet when she awoke to the dim light of the sunrise, she was warm. It felt like a cozy blanket had been draped over her. She sighed happily and snuggled in deeper.

Only to find that the blanket wasn't soft fabric but the hard, toned skin of a sleeping man.

Her eyes shot open just as her memories from the previous night returned to her. Elio was sleeping with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, her body pressed into his chest (his very muscular chest, she might add), and his mouth slightly opened. She wanted to giggle at how messy his hair looked. He was quite cute in the mornings, though, to be fair, he was cute all of the time. There was a reason almost every girl couldn't take their eyes off him. He had this uncanny ability to draw you in, whether that was with his dashing good looks or his charming personality. Even the older women in the room couldn't take their eyes off of him when he was there. It was like he was their knight in shining armor, ready to whisk them away to a life of pure fantasy.

No. He wasn't their knight in shining armor. He was hers.

I am so damn in love with you that even one second holding you feels like a gift I am wholly unworthy of. He had just spent a night holding her and yet she was the one who felt like she had been given a gift. Whatever issues we face, I will face them with you. I will stand beside you through heaven and hell because I. Love. You. I love you, Annie, and I can only hope to one day be worthy of your love in return.

A pang had echoed in her heart when he whispered those words into her ear. A million other things had echoed in her body when his mouth descended onto her core. It was no secret that Annie'd had no experience and yet she somehow knew that what he did to her was amazing. The way he licked, stroked, and sucked on the most intimate part of her body had her heating even now.

"Annie," Elio mumbled before beginning to lightly snore. It was adorable. Why was there a part of her that wanted this every day? Was she going crazy? She'd known him for three days and yet she was already debating on keeping him for a lifetime.

She smiled to herself and snuggled deeper into his chest, reveling in the way his arm seemed to subconsciously tighten around her in his sleep. Well, that was until the weight made her bladder burn with the need to pee, a need she hadn't even noticed until now. 

Annie attempted to wriggle out of his grip but it was no use. His arm was tightly wound around her and there was no getting out of it. Elio was strong, even when unconscious. She tried to lift it off but it didn't even budge an inch.

"Elio," she said but he just continued to snore. "Elio!"


She huffed with annoyance until an idea popped into her head, one that made the corners of her lips turn upward. 

Annie shimmied up so she was face to face with him before laying a soft kiss on his lips. There. That'll interrupt his snoring and wake him

Except she wasn't planning on Elio suddenly turning them so she was underneath him, pressed underneath his body as his mouth moved against hers with a hungry passion. 

"Mmm," he moaned in between kisses. The sound made shivers tingle down her spine as a familiar warmth returned to her body. Annie didn't even realize her body was moving against his until she felt him move back, his hard member hitting the same spot that drove her crazy last night. "Good morning, topolina. This was quite a way to wake up."

Annie moaned as Elio thrust into her. Merlin, it felt so good. The feelings he brought out of her made her wild for more, turning her brain into a pile of mush that only wanted him more. "E-Elio."

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