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Elio scowled as he looked down at the ridiculous outfit he was wearing. A bloody tux? His mother had to be joking. No way was he going to wear this. Nope. He was getting out.

Until his father walked into the room and threatened to deck him if he didn't cooperate. So the suit stays, Elio thought dryly. Well, at least he looked good in it. It was all black and if he undid a few buttons, his toned chest could be out on display, showing off the dangling silver chain while the rolled-up black sleeves showed a hint of the tattoos his mother hated. He was wearing a mask, a black one that covered half of his face, leaving the other side out and ready to flirt with whatever woman came his way.

Elio had realized that this ball was actually a perfect opportunity. There was no way he would be the only one wanting to just have a good time. Surely there was some woman looking for a good fuck, one that would allow him to pretend he was courting her so his parents would get off his back for a year or two. Yes, it was going to be perfect.

So when his mother came into his room, asking if he was ready, Elio smiled charmingly at her through the mirror. "Very ready, Mummy."

Aria smiled brightly. For a moment, Elio felt bad for lying to her. They had always hated lying, agreeing on that fact together. But then again, he had also always thought that she accepted him for who he was, even if who he was was a little wilder than most. No, this is better. If she knew you weren't taking it seriously, it would just be another fight. This is who you are. She'll learn it.

He took a swig from one of the many liquor bottles on the floor—the only alcohol he was allowed to drink now considering his parents hadn't noticed yet—before apparating to the ball.

The Malfoy Masquerade Ball was so crowded and ornately decorated that Elio hardly recognized the place. He and Scorpius were best friends—perks of having parents who were also best friends as Astoria and his mum introduced them to each other when they were infants—so he had been to Malfoy Manor on several occasions, now even more often since they were out of school. But when they were escorted into the grand ballroom, Elio realized he hardly knew the place.

Chandeliers were lit throughout the large hall and mirrors lined the edges of the room. A string quartet played music while the center was filled with couples already dancing. There were plenty of refreshments around the ball; most of the tables were surrounded by young ladies eagerly waiting to get their first partner. 

"Holy shit," Elio whispered as he walked in with his mother on his arm. "This is... excessive." He couldn't say anything too negative, not since Aunt Astoria was his mother's best friend and the planner of this asinine party.

"Language, Elio," his mother hissed as though he were thirteen, not twenty-three. "I told you this morning that if you behaved well tonight, you wouldn't have to go to the other nights of the ball. Foul words will not help you win a woman."

Elio scowled. "I don't want a woman. I want to find Scorpius and get this over with." So much for pretending to go along with it. Oh well. His temper and pride got the best of him. He was his father's son, after all, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

"One day, Elio, you are going to find a woman who takes your breath away and you will be begging me to give you these little tips."

"And you'll give them to me like the sweet mummy you are," he replied while kissing her cheek. His father snorted from behind them. Theo had always accused Aria of babying their son too much, though she usually responded by making Elio cookies while Theo was forced to just watch him eat them until he apologized. So Elio was a little spoiled. It was a perk of being an only child. 

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