30: Work (real this time)

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Mingyu hummed, his hands moving slowly up and down Wonwoo's arms, his touch was firm, but gentle. "You know, we could have fun together."

"What do you mean?"

"I could teach you a few things, show you a few tricks."

"I don't understand.."

"Trust me, I could. And once you've mastered the art of seduction, it could really help you. You know- with your career."

Wonwoo's heart raced as he broke free from his dream, the memory of Mingyu's words lingering in his mind like a whisper in the chilly wind

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Wonwoo's heart raced as he broke free from his dream, the memory of Mingyu's words lingering in his mind like a whisper in the chilly wind. What did Mingyu mean by all of this? And more importantly, why was Wonwoo so captivated by him?

Wonwoo blinked, his mind still foggy from sleep. His hand fumbled for his phone, swiping off the alarm before it could blare again. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up, the events of the previous day flooding back.

The sexual assault scandal.

His editor's call.

The anticipation and disappointment of another lead that ended up nowhere.

Wonwoo sighed, pushing back the covers and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He needed coffee, lots of it, to jumpstart his brain and get him through the day.

Padding to the kitchen, he switched on the coffeemaker, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. As he waited, he glanced at his phone, noting the time and the notifications blinking on the screen.

He swiped through them absentmindedly, pausing when he saw a new message from his editor. His heart skipped a beat as he opened it, the words jumping out at him.

"Already miss you, call me."  Mingyu. Hell, that was not going to happen again.

With a sigh, Wonwoo pushed aside the lingering thoughts of the idol and focused on the task at hand - the scandal he was investigating. Mingyu may have been a distraction, but Wonwoo was determined to stay focused on his work.

He grabbed his laptop and opened the folder containing all the information he had gathered so far. The sexual assault scandal involving a prominent figure in the entertainment industry was a story he couldn't afford to let slip through his fingers.

He sifted through interview transcripts, analyzed witness statements, and cross-referenced timelines, searching for any inconsistencies or leads that could crack some dirt on them.

"Eh, but how did they get camera's from inside? weird"

Wonwoo's eyes squinted  as he pondered the question. It was a valid point; how did someone manage to get cameras inside without anyone noticing? It seemed too convenient, too orchestrated to be a mere coincidence.

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