back in new york

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Taylor usually wasn't the sort of person to lie in bed all day every day. She wasn't the sort of person who overly enjoyed having nothing to do, didn't like every day, every hour, every minute just blending into one another. What day of the week was it? She didn't know. All she knew was that it had been five days since she'd returned from London and every night since then, she knew that Joe had been driving across London to go to their favourite little pub; The Black Dog.
She knew because she'd been looking at Find My Friends constantly, because it's the only thing that is consuming her mind. Was he meeting someone? Was this whole thing simply a ploy to get her away? Was he having an affair?

The panic settled in her stomach on day two of being back in New York. That he'd grown tired of her. That she wasn't saintly enough to coax him out of the dark depths of his mind. Would he really do that? Would he really have done such a thing? Taylor rolled over in her bed, her eyes watering all over again. How had this happened? How had it ended like this? How had she expected that life would be perfect - with Joe? How had she been so stupid? Thinking that they'd have the rest of their lives. And now she was in New York, and Joe was in some bar in London that she used to love. London. She used to love London, used to love everything about the place. Mostly because it was Joe's home, mostly because she loved running away there with him. It had become her sanctuary, her safe place.

And it had been ripped out from beneath her.

By the guy she thought would love her forever.

Putting the pillow over her face and wondering how long it would take for someone to notice she'd suffocated to death; Taylor lets out a sob.
All this time, she'd prioritised Joe. What he needed to feel good, what made him feel something. She didn't know what to do with herself without that.
The only time she'd gotten out of bed in the last five days was to feed the cats and go to the bathroom. But she hadn't really eaten anything; hadn't touched her water bottle.
She didn't want to eat or drink, not now. Not when the love of her life was probably sitting in a crowded bar, probably gazing at a younger, prettier girl. Someone who wasn't her. Someone who wasn't... her. The words made her lips tremble, her chest contorted as she sobbed into her pillow. She hadn't felt this bad at the hands of love since Harry. Since that whole thing fell apart and crushed her soul. But this was worse than that. Because she'd spent the greater part of six years thinking that Joe was her forever, her future. But he didn't want that. What if he came crawling back? How could she come back from that? From this? Would she want to?

Taylor supposed that the answer was what she was supposed to be spending however long their break was going to be... figuring it out.

What she wanted.


The only time she'd forced herself to leave the comfort of her home was when she had to go to tour rehearsals. Every day, for six hours.

It had been two weeks since her heart was broken in that house by the heath. Since she left behind everything she'd wanted.

It was on the fifteenth day, when the door was knocked and Selena was on the other side of it.

Taylor, with her hair in a messy bun, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. At least now, she was eating again. Her nutritionist had made sure that her diet was a priority, even though she didn't feel like eating. Or drinking, or existing at all. She just wanted to lie in bed and watch soapy, dramatic tv shows.
Selena hadn't told her that she was coming over. The sun was softly setting behind the New York skyline, and Selena's face softened as she laid eyes on Taylor.
"We're going out."
"No," Taylor shook her head. "I don't want to."
"Do you remember what you told me when I thought that my heart was broken and I'd never feel okay ever again?" Selena put her hands on Taylor's shoulders. "You told me that I had to get up and fake it 'til I make it. You told me that it would get better. You took me out to some shitty club with bad music and we got drunk." Selena smiled, and Taylor stared at her blankly. "So that's what we're going to do. Go and get dressed, we're going out. I'll be damned if I let a man make you feel like you deserve nothing more than lying in bed all day."
"I like lying in my bed."
"No you don't, you hate doing that. Come on, put on some sparkles, throw on some eyeliner, let down your hair and let's go. You need to get out of this apartment."
"I don't." Taylor grumbled, even though she knew Selena was right. "I don't want to leave."
"Well, my driver is outside, and we're going to have a fun night. If you want to go home after twenty minutes then so be it. But you're getting dressed up and you're coming with me."

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