what if it becomes who you are?

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The moment she heard her front door slam shut, Taylor fell to the floor. She wasn't sure what it was that she was feeling. Maybe it was a whole bunch of different emotions that she couldn't label. But all she knew was that she'd been betrayed. She'd never, ever imagined that Matty would do something like that. She could still feel his hands - the ones she'd dreamed about for years. The hands she'd thought would save her, were actually the cause of her destruction.
She was so distraught about what Matty had done that she couldn't even think about Joe. Joe, she could understand. She could rationalise it all in her brain and make it all make sense. Joe wasn't a shitty person, he was just... not her person. But Matty... his actions, what he'd done tonight couldn't be rationalised. She couldn't make sense of them. She didn't understand. Taylor didn't know how she'd come back from this.

She lost track of time, sitting in her tiny corner of the kitchen floor. Taylor wanted her Mom, but she didn't want to tell her what happened. She didn't want to tell anyone what Matty did. Because her parents had welcomed him into their house, to the family breakfasts... everything. While they'd initially been hesitant, Matty had won them over. She'd convinced them to like him.
She felt stupid. How could she have been so foolish to think that he would be the guy of her dreams? What dreams? Taylor felt like they'd been crushed, obliterated in a mess of ice and snow. Her dreams didn't matter, not right now. Her life outside of these walls didn't matter. Nothing else mattered.

How could he have done that? Taylor sobbed on the kitchen floor, wracking her brain for some sort of understanding. Trying to convince herself that maybe, maybe it wasn't rape and maybe she was in the wrong. Maybe she should have spoken up, maybe she should have fought back. But it was Matty. She'd never have thought she'd have to be in that situation. She never believed he'd put her through something like that.
And then, to tell her that he was just being nice because she's been hung up on him for years? That it was never that serious? Even just thinking the words were enough to make a fresh waves of sobs tear through her body. She could still smell him. Could still feel him. She was wearing his tshirt. The realisation that she was wearing something of his made her feel like the walls were caving in, like the world was collapsing on top of her.

Tearing it from her body as fast as possible, and throwing it as far away from her as she could manage, Taylor sat there in nothing but a pair of pyjama shorts that she wanted to burn too.
Her phone rang, and it was a noise that was loud enough to make her visibly jump.
Taylor reached up and grabbed her phone, seeing that it was her Mom calling her. She didn't know whether to answer it or not.
"Mom?" Taylor answered the phone.
"Honey, your father and I are at the restaurant, where are you?" Right, she'd been supposed to go out for dinner with her parents.
"Mom..." Taylor couldn't hold back the tears.
"Taylor, honey?" Andrea's voice softened, concern for her daughter evident.
"Matty... he..." she couldn't say the words out loud. She couldn't speak them into reality. Because that made it true. What he did, what happened to her.
"I'm coming, Taylor. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" Andrea told her. "Are you going to be okay until I get there?"
Taylor sniffled. "Please don't hang up, Mom."
She didn't know if she wanted to tell her everything. How do you even tell your mother something like that? Taylor didn't know.
Andrea would know that something was up the moment she walked into the apartment and saw Taylor sitting on the kitchen floor half naked.

There'd been plenty of lows in her life, but Taylor couldn't help but feel that this was the lowest she'd ever felt. And knowing that even with all of this, she was going to have to get up on stage and perform the concert of her dreams tomorrow night. Because while her world had stopped, while her universe had shattered, the rest of their dreams were alive.
"Are you still there?" Andrea asked her.
"Yeah," Taylor spoke, a tear falling down her cheek.
"Your father is just going back to our room, so it'll just be me, okay?"
Taylor's lip trembled. "Okay."
It wasn't okay. It wasn't alright. None of this was okay.

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