I want to be with zachary for now

19 3 7

Zach lies on the grass, taking in the warm May sun. They are returning to Mayfair in the afternoon to make sure they return before June starts. They had celebrated Zach's birthday in the privacy of their honeymoon estate.

The servants brought in a day-old cake for them both to eat, along with some champagne.

Jack sits by him, holding two oranges. He starts peeling one. "We must eat something before the ride. Dinner will be served at the Inn whenever we arrive."

Zach hums and sits up. Jack feeds him a slice of orange. The brunet hums at the sweet taste. "Oh, these are fantastic."

"They are from this garden, my love. Do you want to take some home?"

He nods and grabs the other orange and starts peeling it.

"Oh, my love. I was going to peel that one for myself. My hands already smell of oranges - " Zach stuffs a slice in his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"Your darling husband can spoil you as well, can he not?" He raises an eyebrow.

Jack smiles. "Of course, my love. You can do anything you desire."

The couple eats their oranges in comfortable silence, feeding each other slices and kissing in between. How beautiful it is to share an orange with your lover. To give part of your very own orange to feed them. It is like giving parts of you to them, and vice versa. One assimilates them and feels sated by them.

They wash their hands in the small river that runs by the house and head inside. There, they make themselves presentable to the ton and their servants. They put on vests and cravats to hide all the marks they have relayed on each other for the past two weeks.

Jack huffs as he struggles to put on his necktie. Zach chuckles and helps him out.

"What would be of me without you?" Jack mumbles as he rests his hands on his waist.

"You would not know how to properly tie a cravat, darling." He teases and looks at him. Jack had a smitten look on his face. Devastatingly struck by love. "Yes, Jack?"

"You are so dazzling, my love. How did I get so lucky?"

Zach rests his hands on his shoulder and hums. "Let us see... you confessed your undying love to me via a lovely letter that I am yet to finish reading..." He starts rubbing his sturdy shoulders. "And I reciprocated after quickly realising that I, too, was devastatingly in love with your person."

Jack chuckles. "That sums it up quite well. However, you forgot one part."

Zach hums, deep in thought. He perks up once he finds the answer. "You begged the king to marry us."


"Tell me then, I am curious."

Jack leans in. "I met you." He nudges his head on his.

Zach chuckles. "How romantic, Viscount Torrington." He teases. "I can hardly compete when being romanced in such a way by you.

The curly head kisses him fervently and quickly picks him up, earning a surprised yelp from him. "This Viscount still has a lot of romance in him, my love."

Their arrival to their estate was not missed by the ton. Several people wandered around, curious as to how they would return from their honeymoon.

Jack helps his lover down the carriage, and the couple is immediately engulfed in a hug by Ava.

"Finally, you are home." She tightens the hug.

They part the hug and take one good look at her. Tired jade eyes and a bigger belly.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jack asks quietly.

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