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Your life never had been all that interesting, sure you grew up in a rich family that could've bought you everything your heart desired but that didn't necessarily mean they loved you.

They never praised you, they didn't beat you either, in fact they didn't do much of anything now that you think back on it, they were just kind of there. Throughout your childhood and teen years you slowly realized how neglectful they truly were; the small number of friends you made in grade school is what made you think twice about your own parents.

You would watch how they and many others would smother their child in affection as while the most you got was a new pair of shoes or a laptop thrown your way.

That's probably why you fell in love with art, you could freely express your emotions in a way that couldn't burden anybody.

Your hobby with art began when you were only 8, doodling away on scraps of paper until you asked for art supplies. What was originally a small hobby began to feel like it was now a part of who you were as a person, that if you didn't create art then you weren't whole.

While your skills and supplies grew and grew, you never felt fully happy no matter how many markers or art tablets you received; you never were a social butterfly but this short period of time made you dread interaction with other people to the point of full on avoiding leaving your room if you could help it.

At some point, you made several social media accounts to post your art and grew a small fanbase.

You'd start revolving most of your time around your socials and art that your schooling started declining, grades rapidly dropping but you hadn't cared until it was almost too late.

Luckily, you barely graduated with a high school diploma, and since you were from a rich family you could enter any college and have your happily ever after, right? You had no idea how wrong you were.

It turns out that your parents did care, just not about your happiness; when you were initially given money from your parents to get into any college of your choosing, you weren't aware art wouldn't be what they meant.

You'd gotten into your dream college and had moved into an apartment nearby, things were looking amazing for you. A new life, new opportunities, until you had called your parents to gush all about it.

They were livid to learn that their daughter went to a college for art and animation instead of something that "Is useful to the world".

Honestly, you were shocked that they even cared at all. For the first time in your life you argued with your parents, which ended in them cutting you off completely; instead of being that one rich girl, you were now just like every other broke 19 year old college kid.

Not that you had a full on problem with living a 'normal' life, it just hit you harder than it should have. Eventually, you had found a roommate and got a job working at a local grocery store which just barely got you by.

Your life now had some meaning, you attended college and were mostly stable with a decent job but this didn't help your growing anxiety with everything around you.

Nature walks were your favorite thing to do to clear your mind anytime your anxiety started acting up, the forest of Mt. Ebbot has always been your first choice; the green forest and sounds of the animals in the surrounding woods has always calmed you down after a stressful day.

That's why after a busy day of dealing with customers that were never happy and a roommate that never knew how to properly clean up after themselves, you decided to hike up Ebbot forest today.

A sigh escaped you while packing your usual hiking backpack, it was one of those days where you just needed an escape from the outside world. A couple bottles of water, granola bars, a bag of trail mix, and fruits were a must have, you gathered all of your supplies from out of the small kitchen ignoring your sleeping roommate.

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