Frostbite kicks your ass

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What was outside the door shocked you, there was snow.

It was snowing underground??

Multiple questions bubble up, but you push them to the back of your mind, you were just talking to a sentient flower for Christ sake and this is what you find weird?

There was a straight shot clearing of large pine trees, it felt ominous. You took a deep breath and sprinted your way down the path, you really were starting to hate all these stupidly long areas.

When you make it to the end, you face a bridge over a relatively small gap.

You crossed the bridge as fast as you could, you really didn't trust it considering the notable damage. There wasn't anything worth noting in the next room, just a lone station that looked torn to shreds. You walked a little further and noticed some sort of gate.

There are some tiles in front of it with different shapes and patterns, there seems to be no other way around the puzzle, so you push forward.

You lightly step on the tile with a heart shape and suddenly a large rock drops onto it, nearly crushing your foot in the process.

"Holy shit-?!"

Your gaze follows up to where the rock had fallen from and spot an array of dangling weapons about almost every tile...


There's blank spots in the weapons. Above all the tiles with a symbol that looks like a fork drawing there were no weapons, only problem is they were very spaced apart, those kinds of jumps are practically impossible for the average human being!

It's like someone with incredibly long legs made this. "Screw it." You inhale and launch yourself onto one of the tiles with nothing under it.

Hesitantly, you jumped onto the next one and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

Eventually, you made it halfway through this large puzzle. The next tile, however, is further away than you could reach without stepping on a dangerous tile.

You mentally prepared yourself and jumped; you didn't make it. As the tile clicks beneath your shoes, a sharp item comes crashing down and you sprint as fast as you can to the other side, not caring about setting off the other tiles.

You fall on the ground barely escaping that death trap called a puzzle. Add that to the 'What might kill me' list. You slow down your breathing and get up wiping the snow off your jacket. Continuing down the seemingly never-ending forest trail.

Snow crunches under your boots, you weren't wearing the proper attire for the cold weather and the threat of hypothermia crept into your mind, freezing to death was not on your bucket list.

Your walking sped up, looking around the trees hoping to find some sign of life or at least somewhere warm, nearly tripping over a large branch in the process. The lurking feeling of being watched returns, your hands are starting to go numb.

You stop dead in your tracks after hearing a loud crack from the branch you had passed and quickly snap your head around to see what caused the source.

At first glance you don't see anything out of the ordinary, but with further inspection something in the tree line starts to move towards you.

Fight or flight kicks in and you find yourself bolting deeper into the thick forest trying to escape your possible attacker. Lungs burning as you ran, you couldn't become monster food, you won't let yourself get killed! Twigs snapped from behind you and the sound of rustling only intensified.

Mind running on instinct, you heard the rapid beating of your heart in your ears, breaking out into a cold sweat while making sharp turns around the trees to lose the monster. You mentally cursed yourself, 'Don't predators usually chase after prey that runs?'

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