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It's been days, maybe over a week, you aren't really sure how long it's been. You're still stuck in this shed.

A sort of routine has been put in place. You wake up, sit for hours with nothing to do but pick at your skin and count the planks of wood on the walls.

This would go on for a while until the skeleton monster would come check on you, looking at your leg injuries.

He ended up using more of your leggings as a new bandage, leaving your legs more exposed than you felt comfortable with, which though as cold (and embarrassing) as it was, it was the least of your concern.

One wrong move could spell you a graphic and painful death.

After he'd check the wound, he'd just stare at you. Not blinking, not saying a word. He just...stared.

It's very uncomfortable to say the least, but dealing with his weird behavior seems to be the safest option.

Eventually he would get up and walk out of the shed, leaving you alone until the next time he arrives.

As the hours, the days go by, your stomach is practically screaming at you. You can't even sleep unless your body collapses from lack of sustenance.

You can feel yourself becoming weaker and weaker. Your head perks up at the sound of the door creaking open.

The skeleton is back again, he walks over to check the wound, roughly grabbing your leg, assuming to check if the injury got any better.

Chills run down your body at the feeling of the cold bone on your skin. A few minutes of examination passes, he puts your leg down and begins staring at you... again.

Why does he do this??? There's a long moment of silence before it's broken by the growl of your stomach. Shit.

His eyes immediately dart to your abdomen. You couldn't make out his expression but he looks almost...


Why is HE annoyed you're the one trapped in a shed with no food or water.

Another loud growl from your stomach causes you to look away from him and clutch your gut.

He continued to stare harshly at you, his gaze filled you with fear. That red eye seemingly staring right through you and seeing a slab of meat instead of someone sentient.

It made your body feel as if you'd been dunked in ice water.

The skeleton leaned in closer to you, his pupil dilating slightly.



He grabs your ankle roughly and you yelp in pain, WHY??? The sadistic fuck probably just wanted to show you he was still in control here.

The sharp grin on his face widened at your pained expression. He stands up and leaves the shed once more, good riddance.

This isn't fair, you don't deserve to be treated like livestock. Your fingers trace the bandaged leg and you wince once feeling the bite mark.

You briefly wonder what happened to the dog monster that bit you. The skeleton had saved you, you know that much.

Laying down on the cold wooden planks of the shed, you sigh. Would you ever escape from this place alive? Are all the monsters going to die down here? You felt like none of these questions were going to be answered anytime soon.


You gasp, head quickly turning to Flowey who's stem was sticking through a crack in the floor.

Rotting Hope (Horror Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now