S(no)w way out of this one

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It's hard to keep track of time when there's no way of telling if it's day or night, you can't tell how many hours have passed.

It could've been days since you fell underground and you wouldn't even have known....

Well, humans can survive a couple of days without food and water so it couldn't have been that long.


Ever since that skeleton took your only source of nourishment you've been feeling your mental state slowly deplete. You look back up at the small window from earlier. You use the little strength you have to pull yourself up, as you stand up something shifts uncomfortably in your shoe.

Kneeling down and pulling it out.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

It's your pocket knife. This would've been really helpful earlier.

You readjust the chair to below the window once again, stepping onto the chair with your left foot lifting up the rest of your body. You flip the pocket knife open and with a quick jab the window shatters.

Making sure to break off any access pieces as to not cut yourself. The knife clicks shut with a soft click and you slip it into your jacket pocket. You pull yourself up and out the window with some struggle due to being fatigued, falling into a pile of snow outside.

Shards of glass from the broken window dig into your arm as you land, small drops of blood start to drip down your arm from the wound but you ignore the stinging and stumble out of the snow pile and glass.

After dusting off the snow from your fall you made your way around to the front of the shed. You'd thought you had been locked up in some shed out in the middle of nowhere, but to your surprise and displeasure you see that you're in a..

.. town???

It looks fairly run down and almost abandoned; wooden boards on windows, rotting wood, no lights on in sight. If it were not for the fact there were relatively fresh tracks in the snow.

The footprints were different sizes and shapes, very few looked close to human but if you had to go off of what you saw from that skeleton then you were the only human here.

A dead pine tree that barely stood upright was in the center of the small town, it must've been once green and full of life but like the monsters, it's sapped of everything it once was.

Your stomach growls loudly and you cautiously move deeper into the town, this was a dumb idea and you knew it. Yet, you still moved forward.

It was quiet other than the sound of wind and ringing in your ears, at this point you just stopped questioning why there was wind and the general logistics of the underground.

You passed by a few buildings, the only one that looked like it had the slightest bit of life was a building with a sign that said '_ri_lby's'; light shone through the window and you made sure to sneak past it in order not to make your presence known.

There was a building labeled 'Shop' in the distance and it looked like nobody had touched it in years. You sprinted to the door of the shop and tried opening it, the door wouldn't budge and it felt like it was bolted shut.

Your eyes trailed along to the inn right to the shop and noticed there was a passage connecting the two buildings. The other door opened when you tugged on it, the hinges gave way as you nudged the door ajar. It hit the ground with a thud that made the ground slightly tremble.

Peering inside the dark inn revealed that it hadn't been entered in a long time; a layer of dust covered every surface.

Stepping into the dark inn didn't make you feel any safer than being outside, if anything it made you feel trapped in a sense. The hall between the inn and shop felt claustrophobic and suffocating, the specks of dust that floated in the air and clung to your clothes.

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