Trauma Response

18 1 2

The pounding in your head makes itself pronounced as you regain consciousness, the floor feels different from the rough cold dirt you were previously on.

You shoot up quickly after realizing that you were laying on a wood floor, your eyes dart around looking at your surroundings, a shed?!

Did that monster find you when you passed out?

Panic wells up in your chest, that monster found you and is going to eat you. "There's no way I'm going to sit here and wait to be someone's food!" You exclaim, trying to build up some sort of courage.

With the little sanity you have left you get up and look around for some sort of exit. The shed was small and mostly empty, grass grew in between the old floorboards, piles of dead leaves and debris in the corners with the exception of one corner that had a singular wood chair that looked as if it would break any second.

The walls were made of thick wood planks that were covered wall to wall with blood, chains were attached to the back wall. Chills rolled down your spine at the thought of what horrors must have happened here.

The door was locked, not a way through there unless you want to get chased again this time with a twisted ankle. You noticed a small window at the top of the shed, an idea popped into your head, you started to wobble over to the chair left in the corner of the shed.

Your foot was aching, but you ignored the pain the best you could and brought the chair over to the window.

Your hands press against the glass, it was cool to the touch.

There was no hatch or way to open it, the only way out would be to break it but even if you did there was no guarantee that you'd be able to lift yourself out.

You contemplated facing the monster that had kidnapped you or exposing yourself to the dangerous elements, there really was no good option; either way you would probably die.

There weren't any heavy objects you could break the window with other than the chair, with a grunt you picked up the chair and threw it at the window. It didn't even crack, you gave up after a few more attempts to break the glass you slumped down in defeat against the cold wood.

Why did you have the worst luck known to man, all you wanted to do was hike but you had to be stupid and go off the trail with a sign saying not to enter.

You curl into a ball and cry once more; the tears make your vision blurry. You were going to become monster food, you barely even started adulthood and it was over as soon as it began.

At least you weren't gonna freeze to death in the snow, you'd rather your death be quick and over with instead of the slow process of all water in your body turning to ice.

Thats when the thought occurred, would this monster draw out your death and torture you?

There was a loud voice that you couldn't make out the words of but could tell it was getting closer, you backed yourself into the furthest corner from the door as if you were trying to blend in with the wood walls of the dingy shed.

You sighed in relief when a distant door slammed shut but it didn't last for long; crunching of snow sounded from directly outside where you were and you stopped breathing.

'Please don't come in, please don't come in-'.

The door made a few rattling sounds before it clicked open, you didn't move a muscle. Hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, a large door slowly opening as if trying not to alert you...

...or was purposely trying to scare you.

Your eyes never left the door, small amounts of snow filtered in and the monster behind your kidnapping entered the room with quiet steps.

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