Fell into the Gates(Hole) of Hell

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Blinking, you slowly sat up and rubbed your head 'Did I die? Am I in heaven?' wincing while your eyes adjusted to the dark surroundings. Damn your head hurt, you believe you hit it at some point while falling.

You realize you weren't actually dead after fully coming to your senses, feeling that you landed atop a soft patch of.. purple flowers?

You inspected the flowers and noticed they looked like African violets, but they weren't; there's no way these would grow this far down underground.

You look up and your eyes widen in shock, how did you even survive a fall like that? You didn't even break any bones, the most injured you'd gotten was several scratches and bruises.

Muddy water was soaking into your clothes, the rain water must have collected at the bottom of this mountain and created a large puddle; you quickly stood up to refrain from further dirtying your clothing.

Brushing yourself off, you decided to try and call out for help "Hello? Can anybody hear me?" You were met with silence and the sound of dripping water.

The backpack that you had brought with you was lying not too far away from where you had landed, luckily no muddy water soaked through the fabric yet.

You don the bag and push forward to look for an exit out of this place. Your shoes squished as you walked through a dark hallway, thoughts racing while trying to reason with yourself that everything is gonna be fine

' I'm alive and I have food and water with me. It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be-'

Man made pillars, there were man made pillars down here, that means that there was some hope of other people being here!

Your walking sped up, desperate to find another person down here, instead you just walked into a room that was faded purple. Two staircases led upwards to a singular door opening, the purple brick walls were clearly very weathered: chips and cracks encased in every wall surrounding you.

"What even is this place?"

Walking up the staircase and into the next room you noticed something that confused you even more, there were pressure plates on the ground; a few of them looked as if they had been locked in place for a while, a layer of dust over them.

Was this a puzzle?

Continuing your journey through.... whatever this place is, your anxiety was keeping you on alert, the warm humid air of this place made you feel as if you were in a constant state of being suffocated.

Small bridges with switches that have been locked in place is what greeted you in the next room, sounds of rushing water filled the air, they were much more comforting than the dead silence that followed you in these ruins.

Something about being here felt eerie, like walking into a graveyard; what's worse is you have no idea what you'd be dealing with down here.

Next room contained a worn-out training dummy, it looked like it was on its last leg, you chuckled at yourself over the crappy pun. The dummy was left alone, it looks like it's been through hell and back and you don't need to be in any more trouble.

Shaking your head and continuing there was some kind of spike puzzle ahead, how the hell were you gonna get through that? You stood in front of the spikes pacing slightly thinking of a way around it, you could always swim in the water surrounding it but that could turn out horribly; it could give you infections, plus your clothes had dried off slightly and you weren't looking to drench yourself in dirty water again.

An idea formed in your head, slipping the backpack off of your shoulders and setting it on the spikes in front of you. They made an ear-piercing scraping noise as they retreated but you had finally found your way through the puzzle safely without having to impale yourself.

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