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The sight of the limbless body feels almost eerie, as if it were staring directly at you.

The blood and gore have made its eyes seem milky, giving it an undead appearance.

You can't help but stare back, feeling a sense of dread and unease wash over you.

The body's stare feels almost like a judgment, as if it were judging you for the disgusting act you've been forced to do.

You can't help but feel that the body is somehow still alive, in some way, and that it's aware of the horrors that have been inflicted upon it.

The feeling of horror and fear is overwhelming, and you find yourself wanting to look away.

No matter where you moved to it always seemed to be looking at you with those cold lifeless eyes.

You curl up on the cold wooden floor, covering yourself with the blanket (that appeared not too long after the incident) in an attempt to block out the sight of the limbless body.

The blanket is scratchy and uncomfortable, but it provides a small amount of warmth and comfort.

You wish the blanket could block out all everything but the memories and the fear remain.

You're not sure how much longer you can endure this, and you find yourself wanting to cry.

This is is surreal, and you feel like you're stuck in a nightmare you can't wake up from.

The sound of cracking snaps you out of the trance like state you've been in, a large part of you doesn't want to look at the source of the noise.

Uncovering the blanket from your face would mean that you'd be met with the corpse for company and you aren't sure you're ready to come to terms with your reality just yet.

Your broken ankle continues to bother you.

The pain is constant and unrelenting, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

You try to find a comfortable position, but it seems like no matter how you sit or lie down, the pain remains.

The swelling is so bad that it feels like your skin is about to explode and is hot to the touch.

The injury also makes it difficult to move, and you find yourself feeling stuck and helpless.

You wonder if the injury will ever heal, or if it will cause problems for the rest of your life.

This is frustrating and depressing, and you find yourself wishing for relief.

At least the pain is distracting you from the dead body in the corner.

Your calf isn't looking so good either, there's pus leaking out of where the dog monster had bitten you.

You found yourself worried and disgusted, The infection seems to be spreading, and the skin around the bite is red and inflamed.

There's a sense of dread and fear as you wonder if you'll even be able to treat this infection on your own.

"Stop ignoring me, human!" A high-pitched voice says and you immediately rip the blanket off your head looking down at the source of the voice.

"Flowey!!" you practically sob his name.

Flowey was back, he either didn't notice the corpse or chose to ignore it.

"Flowey, it was awful." tears run down your face, "H-he forced me to cannibalize t-then made me eat my own vomit after I-"

You trailed off, you continued crying. You just wanted to go home, anything was better than this hell.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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