Blood Claw Pack

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Matthias and Maverick finally arrived at Hecate's home. A couple of male pack members stood outside, bowing to their leaders. "Report," Matthias commanded.

"Alpha, Rickon called us for assistance. Andrea was the only casualty, but we looked around to ensure that there were no other victims. We also found this on Andrea's body." Matthias was handed a note that had droplets of blood. 

The Alpha took it and looked at it; Maverick did the same.

"She will be mine."

Maverick breathed heavily with rage but did his best to control himself. "That bastard is so full himself! Iris is mine, and I won't allow him to have her."

"I know Maverick. We need to know what he killed Andrea with and if Priestess Hecate could ask the Moon Goddess for guidance." He then looked at the bodyguards. "I want some of you to prepare the meeting house and to hurry the pack to be there. The rest of you, I want you to go to Maverick's house to guard our mates. Let nothing happen to them."

"Yes, Alpha." The guards immediately followed their orders, leaving Matthias and Maverick alone. 

Maverick knocked on the door and then slowly opened it. A hint of sage hit their noses as they saw the Priestess singing a Priestess. That is when they saw Andrea's corpse on a wooden table surrounded by flowers and candles. Even from afar, they could tell that Andrea's face was burnt off on the left side. Her arms had many stab wounds; she had a painful death. The duo cringed at the sight and knew that Rickon had some trauma finding Andrea in such a state. They stood far and waited until Hecate finished her ritual. The Priestess eventually prayed her prayers but stood silently before the body. She knew of the Alpha and Beta's presence but said nothing for a while. She eventually turned around and gave her attention to them. "Alpha, Beta."

"Priestess Hecate. You know that many murders have been happening by the pack. We know who is responsible, and we will inform the pack today. We also want you to be at the meeting to tell everyone about your findings."

Hecate was silent as she put her hands together. "This hunter has skill and intelligence on how to kill our kind. He also has a hint of creativeness; Andrea suffered a slow and painful death. She was stabbed repeatedly but silver, but I also found that she was electrified. He will be a difficult foe to defeat." Hecate sighed. "Also, I did have another vision from the Moon Goddess. Blood will be spilled, and tough decisions will be made, but your choice will determine who lives and dies."

Maverick felt confused and nervous. That was when he remembered his dream of Iris and wondered if it was a message of what was to come. He became fearful that it would become a reality. The Beta was tempted to ask what it meant but was nervous. However, Hecate looked at him with an emotionless expression. "Beta, I can see the worry in your eyes. The Moon Goddess and Ofelia sent you a message of what is to come. As I mentioned before, your choice is what will determine who lives and dies." The Priestess looked at the Alpha. "There is no need for me to go to the meeting. I still have other prayers to do to put Andrea to rest."

The duo looked at one another but knew the Priestess wouldn't change her mind; they took their leave and immediately returned to Maverick's house. Before getting there, Matthias got a message through mind-link that almost all pack members were in attendance. "We must pick up our mates and the kids and go as soon as possible."

Maverick merely nodded as they used their speed to get to the house. Upon arrival, they saw the women, children, and Rickon standing outside. They looked ready, but the Alpha and Beta could sense some bodyguards hiding in the trees looking after them. The Alpha told them to go to the meeting house, which the guards obliged. It was also noticeable that Jessica and Rickon stood side by side and were speaking with the other women who had the boys by their side. Laura and Iris noticed the men and went to them. "Are we going to go now?" asked Laura.

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