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Maverick cried and yelled in pain as he held Iris in his arms. "IRIS, MY LOVE! PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES!" He felt that her pulse was still going but very faint. Everyone was in shock at everything that unfolded. Laura and Rickon kept the boys as far from sight as possible. However, Rickon ordered one of the pack members to take the boys back to the pack and to one of the pack's daycare workers. 

Waylen refused to go, but Matthias and Laura didn't have it; they told Waylen to listen or there would be consequences. Waylen flinched but knew it was best not to upset his parents even more. He heard Maverick's cries for Iris, and he knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He noticed Asher looked distressed, and Waylen patted him on the head.  "It's okay, Asher. We will go home and everything will be okay." The pack member held onto the boys and immediately went toward the pack's location.

Once it was ensured that the boys were away, Matthias and Laura ran to Maverick, who was nude. Matthias tried to see Iris's wound, but Maverick held her close to him; his eyes were turning pitch black. When Matthias was about to ask his Beta to see Iris, Xenon walked towards them. His face was expressionless, but when Matthias and Laura looked at him, they knew he was in shock. Xenon lost his son, a son who killed many innocent lives. The couple thought Xenon would go insane, but it was the latter.

Xenon did nothing. He knelt before Maverick, who cried for Iris, feeling he would lose her. "Beta Maverick, please allow me to see the wound. I have to ensure what bullets were used." When Maverick didn't listen, Xenon slowly touched Maverick's right shoulder. "If you don't, then she will die. Please."

Maverick trembled, but he slowly showed the older man the wound. Xenon looked at the wound, and to his concern, the bullet wasn't seen. "As I feared, he used one of our deadly bullets. It is a poisonous bullet that is harmful to humans and werewolves; when it makes contact with the body, it immediately dissolves. It's to ensure that the target dies if the bullet misses the target point."

"D-Do you have the antidote!?" asked Laura.

"The bullet is fairly new, and we don't have the antidote yet. I-I'm sorry..."

When Xenon said there was no hope, Maverick felt he would go insane from despair. He was going to lose Iris like he lost Ofelia. What was the point of living if he lost his second chance, mate? "Maverick, take her to Priestess Hecate! The pack's doctors may not have the cure, but she knows more about magic and healing techniques than modern medicine! It's her only chance!" said Matthias. 

Maverick's eyes widened when he thought of Hecate. The Priestess knew how to do many things since she was usually in contact with the Moon Goddess. He stood up as he carried Iris. When he stood, Laura and Jessica shielded their eyes since Maverick was still nude. Xenon also noticed and took off his jacket and top-layer shirt. "You could use the shirt and jacket to cover yourself. I'm sorry we don't have enough." He then assisted Maverick with the tying to cover his privates. When done, Maverick thanked him and returned to the pack's central location. He ran so fast that the wind made cuts in his skin. He didn't care; he only cared about getting Iris to Hecate.

The trip felt like an eternity, but Maverick eventually made it. Before the Beta was about to break down the door, Hecate opened the door; she had an unreadable expression. "I had a sense you would arrive, Beta Maverick. Please put her on the table, and put some clothes on. I have extras on the cabinet close to the fireplace." Maverick immediately went inside as he gently put his mate on the ritual table. Hecate closed the door behind her and walked to them. Maverick went to the cabinet she mentioned, removed the clothes tied to his lower body, and got sweats and a shirt. When changed, he went to Iris's side. "I can sense poison in her; I have worked with it only a few times. However, I cannot extract it since it's combined with her bloodstream and heart to the full extent. If she were brought sooner, then I could have."

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