The Hunter

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Hunters and werewolves surrounded Derek; his father, Xenon, stood before the group. Father and son looked at one another. Xenon was beyond horrified at what his son had done. He never would've imagined that he was capable of doing monstrous acts. The patriarch looked at the dead body; his son took a human life. Hunters are used to killing werewolves, who put the family and humans in danger. However, hunters had a strict law regarding taking a human's life. They could kill if they didn't harm the hunters and their territory. The penalty was death if the law was broken without good reason and permission.


The older man then looked at the prison cell and saw Iris. "Iris, I am so sorry that you had to go through all this, and that my family and I didn't tell you of what we were." Xenon then glared at his son. "Derek, what the hell have you done!? Have you gone insane!?"

Derek's expression was emotionless. "Dad, I'm doing this for the woman I love. Her sister ruined everything and she had to pay." He shrugged his shoulders. "I tried giving that dog a chance to have his revenge but he didn't take it."

Xenon and everyone noticed the other hunters who stood by Derek's side; they had explosive collars. They were being forced to follow Derek's commands; one wrong move, and they were dead on the spot. "Son, please let the women and children go; you are surrounded."

"You think that you have the advantage? I expected I wouldn't be coming out of this alive, but I planned for the worst-case scenario. I have explosives in parts of the cave." Everyone became cautious, and Maverick growled in anger. "Shut it, mutt. I will come out victorious." Derek then walked to the prison cell where the women were; Laura growled and looked as if she was about to attack. "Don't you dare, bitch. If you do anything, I won't hesitate to kill Iris. Understand?"

"Y-You crazy bastard! You've gone insane!" yelled Jessica.

Derek used his free hand and unlocked the cell door; the women wanted to stop him, but since Derek was willing to kill Iris, they didn't take the risk. "At least I'm aware of my insanity, Jessica." He then looked at Iris. "Get up." Maverick growled in his werewolf form and had the urge to attack. Xenon stopped him as he shook his head. While his son was distracted, he gave his other hunters a nod to begin the plan's first phase. The hunters quietly went to their brethren, who had the explosive collars. They got keys and undid them before Derek could see. The ten hunters sighed in relief that they were freed. They immediately went to the group, where they were hugged.

Iris still knelt as Derek pointed the gun at her. "N-No!"

"Don't make me angry, Iris, or there will be consequences. Do you want us all to die?"

The young woman then remembered the explosives in the cave; the thought of Waylen and Asher came to mind. She reluctantly stood, and Derek grabbed her by the neck and wrapped his arm around her, making Iris yelp in pain.

Maverick growled louder, as did the other werewolves. Suddenly, Maverick felt that someone wanted to communicate with him through a mind-link, which he let through. "Maverick, Rickon and I found the boys! They were in the farthest part of the cave!" said Matthias.

Relief overwhelmed the Beta, but he knew it was too early to celebrate. "Matthias, you and the rest need to get out of the cave! The maniac put explosives in the cave!"

"Damn it! I will have Rickon watch the kids! Is Laura and Jessica okay!?"

"Yes, they are, but Derek is now holding Iris captive! I can't do anything right now! He's willing to kill us all, including himself!"

"Damn it, he's probably going to try to take her outside! Just remember the plan and do what Xenon said!"

The mind-link ended, and Maverick saw Derek walking out of the prison cell with Iris in his arms. His finger was on the trigger, and he was willing to fire the gun. "No one is allowed out. If any of you do, then I will kill her and then myself. Do I make myself clear?" When no one answered, Derek forced Iris to leave the cave slowly. Everyone else was left behind. When Derek and Iris were no longer seen, Laura and Jessica were motioned to get out of the cell, and they did so.

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