Chapter 1: Ghost in the Ward

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The mental hospital was a grey fortress of forgotten souls. Peeta Mellark, once the victor of The Hunger Games, now wandered its corridors, haunted by his memories. His fiancée, Katniss Everdeen, had saved him during the cost of her own life. Or so everyone believed

But Peeta knew differently. He saw her and had conversations with her. He felt her presence, though the doctors dismissed it as trauma-induced hallucians. They said she we dead, Peeta knew she was, but he just pushed it to the back of his brain, so far that he had forgotten, I mean she was alive She walked with him, her braided hair brushing against his shoulder her grey eyes filled with sorrow, yet some joy, and hope

"Peeta," she whispered, her voice like a distant echo. "What is the world like?"

"What do you mean?" He replied,

Katniss sighed. "I mean, here in the hospital, what is it like?"

"Well" He said after a moment of silence. "It's quiet, boring, lonely, cold, I could go on and on about it, but I would rather not."

She laughed "I would agree, it doesn't look very homey"

"Katniss?" Peeta asked

"Yeah?" She replied, her grey eyes not looking away from the stars appearing in the dark, clear sky.

"Why am I in here and you're not? Why am I in the hospital?" He asked not taking his eyes off her, her skin glowing against the nearly setting sun, her dark hair flowing with the night breeze.

"Peeta" she shifted her glace to him "You where taken by the capital, and you are in here to heal. Don't you remember?"

"Yes I remember" he said "But why have I been in here so long? And why aren't you in here as well?"

She stared at Peeta for a moment, as if she was trying to find the right words to be spoken. "Well, to answer your first question, you just haven't been healed yet, you still have quite a bit of venom in your system." She stopped for a minute to think "To answer your second question, I was in the hospital, not for as long, but I was, maybe about two years ago"

"Oh, I don't remember that" Peeta says, just brushing off the subject.

He continues to ask questions, and she continues to answer, they walk back inside. Katniss walks out the front door to head home, and Peeta walks back to his room in the hospital.

He falls asleep that night trying to remember when Katniss was in the Hospital, it was probably when he was still in the capital. But surely he would have heard of it before this moment, Right?

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