Chapter 2: Conversations with Shadows

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The other patients watched him, the man who talked to thin air. They didn't understand the bond forged in the arena. The sacrificed made Peeta's heart ache. Peeta's heartache was real, even if Katniss wasn't

"Tell me about being the mockingjay," he'd say, and she'd recount takes of rebellion, fire, and hope. They'd sit on the bench, the wind ruffling Katniss's Hair, and he'd listen, desperate for her words.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the mountains, Katniss faced him

"Peeta" she sighed sadly, and nervously

He looked towards her his mood seemed lifted today, "Yeah?"

She studied his features "Never mind, I just wanted to let you know I love you."

"Forever and always?" He asked holding out his pinky finger

"Isn't this a bit childish?" She asks laughing

"Well, we did get part of our childhood wiped away, didn't we?" He replied, making a point

"Yeah, I guess your Right." She smiled at him

"So," he stopped, his hand still out, his pinky finger up waiting for her to intertwine her pinky with his "what do you say?"

"I love you" she replied, a smile still on her face. She intertwined her pinky with his, as if they where making a pinky promise. "Forever and always" she added.

"This isn't real Peeta" she finally spat out

"What isn't?" He replied

"Me, I'm not, Peeta, I'm a ghost" she said, her eyes swelled with tears

"Funny joke Katniss," he said not wanting to believe her

"I'm not kidding, Have you ever noticed only you can see me?"

He stopped for a moment to recall all their moments "Well, we are never around anyone else..."

"I've got to go," she stood up to leave, but Peeta took her hand pulling her back.

"Katniss, wait, I love you." He said, letting go of her hand

"I love you too, but love isn't enough to keep me here. You're holding onto a ghost Peeta, you have to let go."

Then she walked away, her voice fading away as she left, leaving Peeta all alone in the twilight

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