a beach house in december(january) - part 6, hajime's birthday

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a/n ignore the fact that it's been like 3 weeks ok??? ok!!!

kazuichi- gundham

kazuichi: hey did you get hajime something for his birthday?

gundham: Of course I did. Did you not?

kazuichi: i mean uhhh

gundham: Souda.

kazuichi: LISTEN


gundham: Forgetful. There's a difference between forgetful and forgettable.

kazuichi: what's the difference?

gundham: You're not forgettable.

3rd omniscient
Kazuichi paced his room in his pajamas. He had forgotten his best friend's birthday gift. Gundham had not been helpful.

"Chiaki." He said aloud.

"Yes?" Her voice sounded from the corner of Kazuichi's room.

He shrieked, backing up into his bed frame. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"Kazuichi, I walked in right after you," she replied as if Kazuichi was supposed to know this. "We had a conversation."

"Oh." Kazuichi looked around. "Uh. Why are you in here?"

"I told you, I was hiding from Ibuki." Chiaki stood. "I was the only person who hadn't kissed anyone under mistletoe, so she was trying to get me to during the countdown. And then after. And she chased me around, so I had to go to the place she least expected me to be."

"Yeah, well, you've done that," Kazuichi sighed.
"Well, what do you need from me?" She crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?"

"You said my name."

"Oh, right. I forgot a present for Hajime. I was so focused on secret santa that I didn't even realize that it was his birthday."

"That's sad," Chiaki was making her way to the door. "Well, I think that since you already had him for secret santa, that should count."

"Well, but that was from last year."

Chiaki gave him a look.

All of a sudden, Kazuichi lit up. "Oh! I have that present I was gonna give him as my non-secret-santa gift! I forgot to give it to him yesterday. Thank God..."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I don't know."


Later, another party ensued. You'd imagine that Ibuki would be exhausted, but no. She was having the time of her life. And a in a few days, there would be another one for the Danganronpa season two airing. She had tried to extend the stay to after the show had aired, but the owners wouldn't let them stay longer. So they were just going to go to Ibuki's house. Which was a slight problem for Gundham, Sonia, Akane, and Teruteru, who all live far away. They just happened to have stayed at a place nearby after they were done shooting the show for a little extra time. They'd just have to stay there for a bit longer.

Back to present day, Hajime was overwhelmed with all the nice things being given and said to him. Three years ago, not this many people liked him. He was finishing up University, and he was the kid who no one thought was going to make it in life. But look where he is now. A lead role in a show, success, friends, and a more-than-friend. (They hadn't discussed the boyfriend thing.) Take that.

Speaking of more-than-friend, Hajime kept seeing Nagito grinning at him from across the room, smiling harder once they made eye contact, and then looking away. He's such a weirdo.

When he opened his gifts, he was kind of surprised by how well these people knew him.

He got a bunch of the things that he loved, like art materials, movie tapes for his weird vintage tape player, nesting dolls for his collection. He was especially surprised by Nagito's gift—a large book of all things about the new legend of Zelda game. Easter eggs, concept art, and actual artwork, the book had it all. He wasn't aware that Nagito payed that much attention to him.

Later, Hajime was leaning against the wall next to the trash can, where no one else was. He looked down and rubbed his eyes; they had been straining quite a bit because of the amount of lights in the house. When he opened them, Nagito was right beside him. For a moment, he forgot he was in public. (The two had decided to keep their relationship private. None of them needed to know yet.)

They both greeted each other with their expressions. All wide smiles and bright eyes. Nothing had to be said for a while.

"Thank you," Hajime said. "for the book."

Nagito nodded. "I knew you'd like it."

"You know a lot."

"You'd be surprised."

Nagito looked away, but Hajime didn't.

"What?" Nagito said after he noticed.

"Just admiring."

Nagito hid his face behind his red solo cup. Hajime laughed. "Subtle."

He still wouldn't look away. He couldn't. Why should he? "Why don't I thank you...properly?" he asked, looking Nagito in the eyes, the smile not even flickering. Nagito's eyes widened for a split second in acknowledgment.

Hajime told Ibuki that he was tired and was going to go take a nap in his room. But it was so busy on that floor, they hardly noticed Nagito slipping upstairs.

Except for Chiaki.

kazuichi literally forgot hajime's birthday present LMAOOO so he's panicking the day of and then chiaki randomly appears in his room. she was apparently being chased by ibuki so she went to the place least expected of her to go. he then remembers that he brought a separate gift for his actual christmas that he had gotten before he knew about secret santa and forgot to give it to him. he doesn't know what it was tho. idiot. /lh
there's another party. damn. ibuki apparently tried to extend their stay so they could do a season 2 airing but the owners said they had already stayed for a very long time. so the group was just gonna have to go to ibuki's to watch the show air. lore dropped: Gundham, Sonia, Akane, and Teruteru all live far away. Hajime is overwhelmed with the amount of people who like him now because no one really did in college. but now he's cool bc he's in season two of a popular tv show. Hajime got some stuff he likes and we learn that he's a NNNNEEEERRRD. (he likes art materials, movie tapes for his weird vintage tape player, nesting dolls for his collection, and ZELDA) Nagito got him the best gift: a bigass book on everything zelda. they then flirt. and then no one notices that nagito sneaks off with hajime after he dismissed himself upstairs.
except for chiaki.

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