chiaki is such a queen and we love her

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Chiaki sat on her bed at 3 am that same morning. She had been contemplating what had happened for at least an hour while playing a chill game such as Stardew Valley on her laptop. But now she was just sitting there thinking, with her laptop plugged in on the floor. Hajime and Nagito were definitely together. Like, there was no denying it.

"Hm," she said aloud. She the. started asking herself a series of questions. "Am I the only one who knows?...Is this why he started acting weird during the end of our relationship?...Are there more secrets I should know about?"

She eventually came to the conclusion that she would have to tell the two that she knows about them. There were no other options. Well, there were. But she didn't like them so she pretended they didn't exist.


Chiaki arrived on Nagito's doorstep unexpectedly the next morning.

"Oh!" A bedheaded Nagito blinked in surprise at her presence. "Chiaki. Hey."

"I forgot my jacket here last night, can I come in and find it?" she asked unconvincingly. She only did this so that last night couldn't be repeated with another person instead of Chiaki.

Once Nagito let her in and shut the door, she called out, "Hajime, can you come out here?"

Nagito appeared confused. "Uh, what're you talking about? Hajime's not here right now."

Chiaki looked back at him with what she thought was an "oh, really?" look, but it was more like a normal Chiaki Nanami expression. Nagito looked even more confused.

"Come on Hajime, you don't have to keep pretending," she called out again.

"Seriously, Chiaki, he's probably at his—," As Nagito started his sentence, Hajime slowly opened the bedroom door and scooted bashfully out into the living room with the rest of them. "Hajime!" Nagito exclaimed, red in the face.

Hajime only smiled shamefully in his direction before returning his gaze to Chiaki. Chiaki stated her business. "How long have you two been together?"

"How the hell did you know?" Nagito asked.

"I saw you two last night," Chiaki replied, deadpan. "I didn't lie, I did forget my jacket. It's just that I tried to come back for it last night. But when I went back up to get it, I saw something I will never forget. Now answer my question."

It was silent for a moment. The two were too stunned and embarrassed to continue. But eventually Hajime did. "The beach house. New Years specifically."

"I knew it." Chiaki started to pace. "I saw you two avoid each other that night. And even when you did interact, you acted kind of awkwardly around one another."

"Well, Nagito had kissed me the night before, so that's why—," Hajime started, but Nagito cut him off. "I kissed you?!" he said, mock-outraged. "I did?"

Hajime smirked kind of proudly. "You're right, I kissed you."

"Okay, gross." Chiaki stopped pacing. "Well, that doesn't explain how you two were gone at the same time on Hajime's birth— oh."

There was more embarrassed silence.

"Ew," Chiaki squinted at Hajime. "We never did that, is that why it didn't work out with us?"

"No, I don't think that's how that works," Hajime said, glancing at Nagito. "I'm still not entirely sure why it didn't work out with us. But I'm glad, not gonna lie."

Chiaki nodded proudly at him. "I'm happy for you both. I always knew it would be you two."

"W— then why did you-," Hajime looked between the two. Chiaki and Nagito laughed.

"So, do you not want me to tell anyone?" Chiaki asked, grabbing her jacket from the floor.

"Preferably not," Nagito said, glancing at Hajime. "Gundham knows, though. He's so fucking scary..."

"Would you guys like help with cleaning up this mess?" Chiaki glanced around the messy apartment.


chiaki contemplates what she has seen at 3am. real. she then goes and confronts them at their apartment. she says that she's proud of them and always knew they'd be the ones to work out. gay rights. she does wonder if the fact that they never did the 'you know what'  is the reason that they never worked out. *no chiaki you're just asexual!!!!* then she helps them clean the messy apartment.

*bonus because this one took so long and i appreciate your support and patience :)

kazuichi - gundham

kazuichi: gundham

gundham: Yes?

kazuichi: I have a question

gundham: Ask away.

kazuichi: if you really appreciate someone

kazuichi: for like

kazuichi: being there and stuff

kazuichi: but don't really know how to express that feeling to them

kazuichi: how would you explain that?????

gundham: Well, to start, don't hold off. Once you feel the need to express your gratitude, there is no shaft of the universe that is going to crash down upon you and your loved ones because you have an innate feeling that you don't quite know how to acquire the way to express. Then, to go about it, simply thank them. There is no acumen nor indication that there must be something faddish in order for the being to enshrine what information you are feeding them.  A simple, "Thank you, (name) for all you have done for me." shall certainly prove useful, and if it does not, then the being you feel you must impress is not your ally.

gundham: I also believe one of your emoticons that you use so frequently will come in handy there.

kazuichi: well then

kazuichi: thank you, gundham, for all you have done for me :)

*a slight but noticeable moment passed by*

gundham: You are most certainly welcome, Kazuichi.

935 words

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