omg secret santa

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cast of danganronpa season 2 bullies hajime hinata

ibuki: GUYS!!!! i know it's only november 2nd BUT

ibuki: i'm planning A CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!

ibuki: there'll be music and dancing and food and presents and lights and karaoke and OHNYGOD

nagito: uh oh what now

ibuki: we should absolutely do SECRET SANTA

mikan: what's that?

hiyoko: stupid bitch

mikan: :(

ibuki: gonna ignore that you said that hiyoko!!!

mahiru: idk what it is either, am i a stupid bitch?

hiyoko: i'm suddenly feeling numb in my fingers and eyeballs

ibuki: it's where a bunch of people draw each others' names from a hat and they have to get their person a gift

ibuki: it's really fun and we're SO doing it!

mikan: oh that is fun!

orange juice boy: oh god my luck is gonna go 📉📉📉📉

nagito: that's why i'm the ultimate lucky student and you're not

orange juice boy: um bitch???????

nagito: that's my name 😊

akane: OOH i call nekomaru

ibuki: oh nono you don't get to choose

ibuki: we draw :)

akane: what the FUCK


ibuki: fight me nagito

nagito: i

nagito: do not want to

mahiru: also its 2:45 in the morning, why are we all awake?

( like 30 seconds go by )

mahiru: of course no one said anything then HELLO??:?:?:? YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME NOW

ibuki: i was peeing 🙃

nagito: i'll sleep when im dead

orange juice boy: no you'll sleep now

nagito: why

orange juice boy: because it's almost 3 in the morning

nagito: boring

chiaki: yeah ibuki why did you decide to tell us about this now

ibuki: it came to me in a dream

mikan: wow really?

ibuki: no :) i just couldn't sleep because i was so excited!!!!!!

fuyuhiko: GO TO BED

a few hours later, around 10am


ibuki: okay guys here's the link to this cool website that lets us all get a separate name

ibuki: is everyone on it?

chiaki: i am

nagito: so am i

gundham: Indeed

kazuichi: i am

hiyoko: yuh

akane: mhm

sonia: I'm there! 😊

peko: im on

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