A Note To People Writing Next-Generation Stories

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KotLC next-generation stories seem like a pretty popular thing on Wattpad, but I have a complaint with a lot of the ones I see.

An elvin couple chooses which family name to take, usually the one with more prestige, or they might pick it to make a statement. Juline took the Dizznee name to show that she loved Kesler and wasn't ashamed of marrying someone who was Talentless. Della took the Vacker name because it was the more "famous" one, and Tam's dad took the Song name for the same reason.

What does this show?

This shows that people writing next-generation stories can make a statement by carefully picking which name each couple chooses. Like having Biana or Fitz take their spouse's name instead of keeping the Vacker surname as a statement about how noble families aren't as important as the Lost Cities thinks, or having Sophie keep the Foster name to show that she isn't ashamed of growing up in the human world.

It makes for a lot of interesting storytelling, and I think that people should use it to their best advantage. And yet I see so many Sophie Sencens.

A note to people writing next-generation stories: think, really think, about which last name the couple uses.

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