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Irene's heart raced as she reached  the crowded train station, the deafening noise of rushing footsteps and blaring announcements echoing through her ears. The tension in the air was intense, matching the turmoil inside her mind. She took a deep breath as her knuckles turned white while she fought against the swarm of passengers pushing and shoving their way to their destination.

"Thank you," she said, looking at the piece of paper handed to her by the teller. Irene felt excitement as she envisioned the freedom she was about to reach. Anxious and on edge, she balled her frozen hands and folded them against her chest.

The massive crowd prevented Irene from moving away, so she resigned to standing idly on her spot. Two guys suddenly stood beside her, one unintentionally bumping her shoulder. She observed the two men enjoying their time, one munching on snacks and the other sipping soda. Irene couldn't shake her fear regarding intimacy and closeness with men after being abused, abandoned and tormented by one for years.

Amidst the chaos, a sudden force knocked Irene, threatening to send her sprawling onto the unforgiving ground. But just as she braced herself for the impact, a strong hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back, saving her from a painful collision. Startled, she looked up to see a stranger standing before her, his face obscured by the mask he was wearing. Deep and husky, his voice sent shivers down her spine as he assured her everything was alright.

Though grateful for his help, Irene couldn't help but feel apprehensive. Her experiences had scarred her, clouding her ability to trust anyone, especially men. Her father's abandonment, her stepfather's cruelty, and her ex-boyfriend's torment all contributed to her suffering. She had lost faith in all kinds of love, resigned to a life of fear and uncertainty.

Looking around for what felt like the umpteenth time since leaving the house, she knew he would recognize her in the blink of an eye, even though her face was partially covered by her mask. He always did. He always had a way of seeing through her disguise.

"Here it is," the guy on her right said abruptly.

A wave of comfort washed over her as she stood in line, waiting patiently for her turn to board the train. She ignored the occasional jostling and pulling, consumed by excitement about leaving this place, thrilled to embark on a solitary journey.

Boarding the train, Irene found her seat and watched as the world outside began to blur past her. A glimmer of hope flickered within her, whispering that maybe, just maybe, she had a chance to escape the clutches of her abusive ex and find a new beginning. But as the train gained speed, her hopeful thoughts were shattered by the sight of a familiar brown, worn-out hoodie in the distance, closing in on her.

Irene's heart raced as she hoped they wouldn't open the door for him. Embracing her bag, she stood frozen in fear as she watched him board the same train.

Her ex-boyfriend, Jung Hoseok.

Panic surged through her veins, suffocating her as memories of his abuse and violence flooded her mind. She couldn't let him find her, couldn't bear to endure another minute under his control. Hastily, she closed the curtain, seeking solace in the safety of anonymity. She grabbed her bag and left her assigned seat to find a hiding place. With every step, she distanced herself from the danger lurking behind her, her eyes locked on the path ahead, determined not to look back.

Suddenly, a hand seized her trembling fingers, shaking her out of her desperate flight. Instinctively, she jumped back, a scream stifled in her throat, terror etched across her face. To her surprise, it was the same stranger from the station, the one with the deep voice that had lingered in her mind. Confusion battled with fear within her, unsure whether to trust this mysterious man who had reappeared in her darkest hour.

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