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Wendy leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with determination. "You should join. I want to shut their mouths up. Just because you're older than the rest of them doesn't mean you don't have what it takes. Geez, you don't even look 25. I bet you'll be crowned Spring Queen before the semester ends," she said with a confident grin.

They were at a café on a Sunday afternoon. Irene had just finished recalling the events of the past week to Wendy, including the dilemma of whether or not to tell Taehyung about her father. "I don't know. What if I embarrass myself in front of everyone? I can't risk that, Wendy," she replied, anxiety clear in her voice.

"Ya... are you a princess? No. You are a college student. You don't have anything to do with your daddy's business. Speaking of business, I thought you said you wanted a job?" Wendy asked, raising an eyebrow. Irene sighed deeply, looking defeated at the thought.

"Yes, I did. They gave me everything I asked for, but they rejected me for the first time when I said I'd work. My father said it would put him at a disadvantage, and I don't want that to happen. So I just gave up on that thought." Irene replied.

Later that day, Wendy drove Irene back home. She appreciated the offer to hang out more, but the girls had been so quiet lately. Yeri was busy with her rehearsals, Joy had multiple gigs, and she thought spending time with Jennie alone would be awkward. They'd probably end up talking about Taehyung, which neither of them wanted.

Irene glanced at the clock, watching its lazy hands ticking away. It was 4:08 pm.

"I'll die of boredom if I stay here," she muttered to herself. After a quick shower, Irene dressed up and called for her security service. If nothing else, she could hang out with her bodyguards.

That evening, she went clubbing alone for the first time. It was a challenge for her to do things independently, but Wendy had insisted it would help her regain confidence and self-esteem. She sipped on her juice, determined not to get drunk like the last time. Her thoughts wandered to Taehyung, wondering what he was doing. He had been quiet since their last kiss. She hoped he wasn't fooling around this time.

"Hey beautiful, mind if I buy you a drink?" a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

Irene smiled to herself, recognizing the voice. "How did you know I was here?" she asked as Taehyung sat next to her and ordered a beer.

"Well, I'm friends with your bodyguards. I told them to tell me every time you're acting suspicious. So why are you here? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, squeezing her hand gently.

"I'm fine... I'm just bored. The girls are busy and I don't have anyone to—"

"Why didn't you call me? You have me now," Taehyung said, as he started to drink.

Irene raised a brow, smirking. "You're just trying to win me over."

"I'm not. I don't need to. I'm just here to make sure you're safe," he said, returning her small smile after offering his bottle.

Irene looked at the bottle before glancing back at him. "I know you want to..." he teased. Irene finally took the bottle and drank the cold beer, finding it nice and refreshing.

They ended up dancing, swaying in each other's arms on the dance floor. Taehyung held her close as she became completely drunk, intoxicated by both the alcohol and his overwhelming charm. Irene wrapped her arms around his neck as he whispered in her ear.
"Let's run away from your MIBs."

Irene looked at her guards in disguise, who were coincidentally wearing black. She giggled as Taehyung pecked her cheek. "You're drunk," he whispered in her ear.

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