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Irene informed her father about Hoseok's return, relaying Taehyung's message. She wasn't surprised that her father already knew; he wouldn't let go of someone who had tormented his daughter for years.

On the phone, her father reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, he can't hurt you. Not now, and if he ever plans to, just know that you're not alone anymore." His words brought a smile to Irene's face, giving her the strength to carry on.

Despite the watchful eyes around her, Irene carried on with her classes, relieved she hadn't crossed paths with Taehyung. She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, especially Jennie, or reopen old wounds for herself.

As the semester neared its end, Irene thanked Jin for helping her through. He had been a kind friend, tutoring her whenever he could. Despite receiving love notes and prank calls, mostly due to her age, Irene had no interest in joining the Spring Queen contest, feeling unworthy of the title.

"Why are you spacing out so much?" Jin was snapping his fingers in front of Irene.

Shaking her head, she looked at him. "I'm sorry... i just got a another text saying I shouldn't join the contest. I don't know why they're so concerned of my life anyway.." Irene said and went back to reading.

"Heard that rumor too. Well maybe because you never answered any of them that's why they won't stop. If you don't want to join, tell them they're just wasting their time." Jin said and Irene figured he was right. She tried to ignore it for as long as she could but didn't expect it'd blow up like this.   

Since meeting Jin, Irene found comfort in their friendship, often spending time together at the library or a nearby coffee shop. Although she appreciated his company, she didn't expect their relationship to evolve beyond being study buddies, and she sensed Jin felt the same way.

After their last-minute study session for finals, Irene met up with her friends. They agreed to set aside a weekly meeting, settling on Fridays, which they dubbed "Flyday."

As they gathered, Yeri questioned Irene's choice of attire, expecting a night out clubbing. Irene, clad in plain jeans and a printed tee, hadn't anticipated the change in plans.

"I forgot to bring extra clothes... but it's fine... I mean, I look okay, right?" Irene asked, hoping for reassurance.

Her friends exchanged glances and crossed their arms, clearly unimpressed.

"You're the daughter of some rich business tycoon, but you can't even dress up nicely. Ugh, when will you ever learn?" Joy chided, rummaging through her bag for a spare outfit. Again, Irene couldn't help but wonder why Joy would bring so many extra clothes everyday.

Convinced she'd be alright, Irene opted for beer, believing she could handle it better than cocktails. Spotting her guards secretly monitoring her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at their overprotective gestures. Didn't they understand the concept of freedom?

Watching her friends from across the room, Irene found solace in her own moment, even if it meant forcing a smile in front of Taehyung and Jennie's closeness. Despite her fondness for Jennie, Irene chose to keep her distance to spare herself.

As she contemplated the role of exes and her own situation, Irene attempted to brush off her thoughts with a forced laugh, continuing to drink. The bartender's smirk as he handed her another bottle didn't go unnoticed.

"It's your fourth one, miss," he remarked, to which Irene merely raised her bottle in acknowledgment.

Feeling the alcohol taking its effect, Irene embraced the tipsy sensation, fully conscious but wobbly. Settling in to relax, her moment was abruptly interrupted.

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