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tw: violence,abuse

Kim Taehyung, his name resonated in her mind like an echo, refusing to fade. Twenty minutes had passed since their lips met, yet the memory of that kiss lingered, a feeling that refused to be ignored. As the train sped towards Seoul, Irene found solace in the fact that she made it this far, thanks to Taehyung.

"Here, wear this," Taehyung insisted, removing his coat and offering it to her. She hesitated, glancing down at the hoodie she was wearing. Taehyung gave it to her earlier, but she got dirt on it after hiding in the cargo.

She hadn't had the luxury of time to pack as she left hurriedly this morning when Hoseok went out for his morning booze. Locking herself in the bedroom the night before, Irene made a snap decision after seeing the cash Hoseok had left on the dining table. She always looked around for loose coins and forgotten bills and saved them for an opportunity like this. She even stole a few from Hoseok's wallet whenever he was too drunk to care. She packed a few of her belongings before hailing a cab to the station. She hoped Hoseok would take his time, so she could buy herself some time too. But her ex was relentless, tracking her down with alarming speed like the possessive ex he was.

"Irene-ssi..." Taehyung's voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she met his gaze and saw him holding out his coat. She managed a weak smile, pushing the coat back towards him.

"Thanks, but I can manage with the hoodie," she insisted, despite the chill in the air. His coat looked expensive and new, and she already ruined his hoodie with dirt and oil from the cargo.

"If you're scared, I'll come with you," he offered, rising from his seat and guiding her toward the restroom. Doubts clouded her mind; would Hoseok still be searching for her? Would he recognize her if she dressed differently?

"Stop overthinking. We're almost there," Taehyung reassured, ushering her into a cubicle and closing the door. She stared at the coat in her hands, feeling unworthy of its elegance. But Taehyung's kindness won over her doubts, and she reluctantly removed his hoodie and saw something inserted inside the coat, a black shirt. Irene couldn't help but smile. They were both sweaty when they finally got out of that cargo.

"Hurry up, we'll be arriving soon. We need to exit the car first before he goes around again to check the passengers," Taehyung called from outside. With a sigh, she put on the shirt and coat and tidied her appearance as best she could before stepping out to face him. Expecting criticism, she was surprised when he merely offered her a smile and held the door open.

"You might want to wash up," Taehyung said, retrieving the hoodie from her grasp before gathering her hair over her shoulder. Irene took the opportunity and splashed a handful on her face. The water felt refreshing, a rare comfort. As droplets trickled down her neck, Taehyung gently patted her face dry with his handkerchief.

"Taehyung..." Irene muttered.

"You're welcome," Taehyung only smiled and exited the cubicle, waiting for her to follow before closing the door.

Irene felt refreshed when they returned to their seats, thanks to Taehyung again. Taehyung's friend glanced up, seemingly oblivious to the drama going on around him.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you," he said, offering her some snacks. Irene barely smiled and introduced herself.

It was ironic. She couldn't trust someone she had lived with for years, yet here she was, relying on someone she just met.

Irene's journey towards her freedom continued, with Taehyung's friend, Jungkook, joining them. They talked casually about their plans upon reaching Seoul. She couldn't help but wonder about the two's relationship; were they friends, colleagues, or something more? The memory of Taehyung's kiss resurfaced, and she immediately dismissed the thought of his sexuality.

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