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Irene was thrilled and overjoyed as she looked at the streets. It felt like visiting an amusement park for the first time. Her eyes feasted on the dresses and sandals displayed in every store. It had been a while since she bought something for herself.

But reality hit her hard-she was broke, homeless, and she smelled... a lot.

She hugged herself tighter, feeling uncomfortable in the same car with Joy, Mai, and Taehyung. He had been quiet while driving. Joy had taken the front seat, so Taehyung had asked Irene to sit with Mai in the back.

"Can you help Irene pick her clothes? She really needs your help," Taehyung said to Joy.

Joy looked Irene over, sighing in disappointment. Mai patted Irene's shoulder, giving her an encouraging look.

"I'm going to look for a parking space. Don't go too far," Taehyung said as they got off in front of a store. The clothes inside looked beautiful and classy. Irene felt so out of place. She would never be able to afford anything in that store.

"Okay, I think we have the same size," Joy mumbled.

"No, she's kind of smaller," Mai noted after taking a closer look.

Joy shrugged and started looking around for more pieces. She chose dresses, skirts, and even shorts-styles Irene never thought she'd wear again after everything she had been through.

Joy handed Irene a pile of clothes to try on, and Irene headed towards the fitting room when the sales lady stopped her.

"Excuse me, miss, I don't think you can fit our dresses," the sales lady said. Irene wasn't surprised. She looked dirty, smelled funny, and felt like a total loser. She wasn't worthy of these clothes. She looked back at Joy, who was busy looking at other dresses. Irene gave the sales lady a sad smile and was about to return the pile of clothes she was holding when someone caught her wrist.

Irene's heart almost dropped when Taehyung snatched her hand. She had to calm herself down for a few seconds before she could look at him completely.

"I'm sorry... I forgot," he said as he let her hand go. He glared at the sales lady before taking everything Irene was holding. "You shouldn't treat your customers like that. You should be thanking them instead," he said, handing the dresses to the sales lady. She apologized and walked back to the counter to ring the items.

Taehyung looked around some more. Joy already had her hands full with some sexy tops and short skirts. They had only been to one store, and she had chosen so much. Irene couldn't even remember the last time she wore a new pair of undies.

"Uhhh... T-Taehyung... about the..."

"I know. Here. I know you need some time on your own, buy everything you need. I'll be waiting for you at the Dog Cafe in front of Chiquita's," he said, handing her a black card. It was a debit card.

"What? Why would you spend so much for me?" This felt wrong.

Was he trying to gain her trust? Why was he being so kind? Why would someone spend so much money on a stranger they just met? Unless he had other intentions.

"Irene, it's not what you think. I really just want to help y-"

"No. Why would you? For what? I'm a nobody. I don't even know anything about you except your name, and the same goes for me. You don't know me. We don't have anything to do with each other. You're just trying to get my trust. You're trying to win me over. I'm sorry... it's just too much. I shouldn't-"

In that moment, Irene realized everyone was the same. Hobi had saved her from her father. He helped her move on, made her smile again. She trusted him and thought they would be happy forever. And he turned out exactly like her father-worse, even. At least her stepfather only hurt them when he was drunk. With Hobi, everything she did was suspicious. Every guy she talked to was a fling, and every mistake deserved punishment. Irene walked out of the store and into the crowd. She bumped into so many people until she felt lost.

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