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Irene heard the muffled sound of Taehyung's voice in conversation with someone. She then woke up, her eyes adjusting to the brightness of the large white room surrounding her. Feeling disoriented, she realized she was resting on the softest foam mattress she had ever laid on. When she tried to sit up, a wave of exhaustion washed over her, rendering her unable to move, or maybe it was the irresistibly comfortable bed that held her back.

"You're awake," a well-dressed and elegant woman entered the room. Despite her blurred vision, Irene recognized the woman as the madam from yesterday.

"Oh, it's you again," Irene muttered, acknowledging her visitor. "Uhh... where am I?" she asked, struggling to make sense of her surroundings.

"You're in... your house," the woman responded casually.

"Yeah. Right," Irene thought to herself. "I must still be dreaming. How funny," she chuckled sarcastically as she attempted to sit up. Looking around, at the interior and the overuse of white decor, she realized it must be the same house she and Taehyung had visited yesterday. Irene's gaze fell upon the shopping bags she was sure she left at the hotel, they were now placed on the couch and floor. Her thoughts turned to Kim Taehyung and his whereabouts.

"I am not joking, Miss Bae," the woman's statement left Irene puzzled. How did she even know her surname? Irene couldn't recall informing Taehyung about it.

"Excuse me... can you please explain what's going on? And where is Kim Taehyung? I need to talk to him," Irene demanded, hoping for clarity. However, the woman responded with a faint smile.

"I will explain everything during breakfast. Let's go?" the woman proposed, catching Irene off guard with the mention of breakfast. She couldn't help but wonder how long she had been asleep.

"Sure... let me just... wash my face," Irene agreed, trailing the woman to the bathroom and then down the stairs. The house, while not spacious, showed a modern and minimalist charm. It felt unnecessarily large for Irene since she was used to sleeping in a cramped space on the floor. Even though Hoseok's house seemed bigger in scale, Irene had never found peace there.

"Have a seat, Miss," the woman urged as Irene settled into a chair, and the maids served breakfast. Irene marveled at the dish served before her and savored each mouthwatering bite. Regardless of the woman's identity, Irene felt deeply grateful for the meal. After what she experienced yesterday, she came upon many realizations after Taehyung talked some sense into her starving brain. So for now, she reminded herself just to be thankful if she wanted to survive.

"Miss Bae, what did your mother tell you about your father?" the woman inquired, steering the conversation in a surprising direction.

"Oh... he—"

"Your real father," she added. Irene gulped, looking at her, wondering why the woman knew too much. Taehyung must have told her everything. Irene wasn't in her proper headspace to process everything that happened.

"Excuse me, with all due respect, ma'am... I am very thankful to have been invited for breakfast in this beautiful house of yours. Frankly speaking, this is the most delicious breakfast I have ever tasted.. but for you to be asking personal questions like that when I don't even know your name, I think it's way beyond—"

"Miss Bae, like I said, everything you see here is not mine but yours. I'm sorry for not introducing myself right away. I figured you'd be too hungry for a chit-chat since you slept for 19 hours straight. I am Wang Miyoung; your father sent me to meet you."

"Pffpttt!!" Irene almost spat the juice she was drinking. She coughed several times, trying to process the woman's words. "Sent you?? My father sent you??" Irene couldn't believe that her father was capable of sending people to talk to her.

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