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It had been a week since they filed the police report, and the news they received left Taehyung and Irene angry and frustrated.

"We'll contact you after further investigation. If there is a need for a warrant, we will ask for your cooperation, but we have to release the detainee for now. He already posted bail for the property damage." The officer's words sounded harsh, sparking anger in Irene's heart.

"What about hostage taking? The security officer? Won't that lead to serious felony charges?" Taehyung demanded, his voice edged with frustration.

"The officer in question just got off duty and was merely a passerby who tried to help. He agreed to settle charges with the offender. Now, regarding the attempted kidnapping," the officer sighed, flipping through his paperwork, "the responding officers reported that you weren't being forcibly held, Miss. You appeared calm and were waiting to get your tickets. Mr. Jung Hoseok claimed it was just a lover's quarrel that was misunderstood, causing him to panic when arrested. If you have witnesses or legal evidence to support charges of assault, illegal detention, or attempted murder, please contact the legal team."

Tears trickled down Irene's cheek as she watched a familiar figure across them, accompanied by a police officer. Taehyung squeezed her hand, to let her know she wasn't alone. Hoseok glared at them, his eyes filled with malicious intent. Irene's heart pounded, but she met Hoseok's gaze with newfound courage, refusing to show fear.

Irene glanced at Taehyung, whose eyes promised unwavering support, especially after the kiss they shared at the bar. Since that night, Taehyung had been treating her differently, but she kept her distance whenever Joy was around. She didn't want to cause any trouble since they just started being friends. If ever what she had with Taehyung bloomed into something more, she would surely talk to Joy about it. For now, that kiss was just a kiss.

"Irene," Taehyung called softly. She looked back, seeing Hoseok's chilling glare as he passed, but she knew he wouldn't act recklessly in the police station.

Irene knew it was time to go. She needed to get away as far as possible. Taehyung smiled at her reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll get him back behind bars in no time," he promised as they left the station.


Later that day, Irene stood outside Taehyung's hotel room, hesitant but determined. Now that Hoseok was out and free again, she knew danger was coming to her soon.

She knocked, and Taehyung was quick to open the door. "Where's Jungkook?" she asked, glancing around the room.

"He went somewhere with Jimin," Taehyung replied, and silence fell between them. She felt conflicted, torn between her need for safety and the danger she posed to them.

"Taehyung, there's something I have to tell you," she began, her voice trembling.

Taehyung's eyes searched hers as he listened intently. "What is it?"

"Hoseok's out and he could be looking for me. I shouldn't stay with you. The longer I'm here, the more danger you're in. You already know what he's capable of," she explained, trying to stay calm.

"All the more reason you should stay with us. Jungkook has bodyguards, they can protect you," he argued, but it didn't feel right to her.

"No, I need to go far away. I need to leave before he finds me. It's not just you and Jungkook. What about Joy? Jimin? Jungkook's got a life too. I don't want them to live in fear like I do." she insisted, anxiety rising within her.

"What if he finds you? What will you do?" Taehyung's expression grew serious.

"I don't know, but I'll fight back," she said, moving closer to him and hugging him. "Thank you for everything, Taehyung. I'll pay you back, I promise."

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