Chapter One

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Today was dreadful. I got bullied at school as usual. I don't get why they won't leave me alone.

Have I done something wrong? Have I treated someone bad to deserve this?

I shook these thoughts out of my head and focused on the road. I drove to the cemetery and parked in front of the gate. I got out and walked through the gate. I walked to the grave of my parents. I kneeled in front of their grave and laid the flowers on the ground.

"Hey mom. Hey dad.." I said shakily. "I miss you guys so much. I'm sorry this happened to you. If there was anything I could have done to help you, I would."

By now the tears were falling and I couldn't stop them. It's been 7 months since the accident and I still haven't got over them.

I'm living on my own now since I don't have any family here in New York. I also run the companies of my parents and let me tell you it's so fucking hard. The good thing that I still have my friends here to help me. Chase, Nick and Jonah have been my friends since kindergarten and they were always here when I needed them.

I got up and walked back to my car. I started the car and drove back home. Living by yourself is pretty hard. I used to help my mom cook and we had lots of fun. She always tried to pull off these jokes and they were terrible and she knew that but didn't care. It's just me now and I'm getting bored cause she's not here to make me laugh again.

The drive home was short and before I knew it, I parked in front of my house. It's a mansion, to be clear, but I don't like to brag... My parents were really rich because they were successful in their work. I hope I can do the same and not ruin everything.

I got out of the car and entered the house. I walked upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I decided to text the boys and see if they wanted to hang out for a bit or even sleep over. Today's Friday anyway. I cringed at that thought but decided to not let it get to me.

Me > Jonah, Nick, Chase
Hey guys.. I just got home and I'm feeling bored. Do you guys want to come over and hang out for a bit?

I sent the message and waited for them to reply.... Less than 5 minutes I felt my phone vibrate. I opened it to see that all 3 boys have replied.

Chase > Me
Yeah sure!! I'll be here in 10 xx

Nick > Me
Of course.. I'm on my way!

Jonah > Me
Yeah! I'll just buy some things for my mom and then I'll come! :)

I smiled and put my phone on my bed. I decided to change into something comfier since we're going to hang out here. I opened my closet and decided to stick with my grey sweatpants and black v-neck shirt.

I thought about practicing our songs with the boys today. The boys and I are in a band called Acid. We have a YouTube channel where we upload videos of us singing covers or original songs. We are not famous but we have a good amount of fans. Playing music is my getaway. It's also my connection to my parents. They had musical ears! Both of them loved to sing and play instruments. They were really good! I loved to play with them. It was our getaway as I said.

My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. I went downstairs to open the door. I found Nick and Chase in front of my door. I hugged each one of them and let them inside before closing the door.

"Hey" Nick said.

"Hi" I replied and smiled.

"Did you go visit your parents?" Chase asked me.

"Yeah.." I said my voice cracking and looked down.

"Hey, it's okay.. Let's go do something to get your mind off of them for now." Nick said and rubbed my back to soothe me. I nodded and we walked upstairs to my music room.

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