Chapter Eight

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I'm going to skip these few days until Saturday so it won't get boring!   

Hope you enjoy the chapter xx


I'm freaking out as you can see but I'm trying not to show it which is hard as hell. I woke up squealing and jumping around the house because who wouldn't?

I took a shower and then went to my desk where I've put my outfit for today. I chose my grey sweatpants and white flowy crop top. I quickly dried myself and put on my clothes. I dried my hair and let it down.

I sat at the end of my bed and pulled on my white converse and laced them up. I stood up and grabbed my bags and walked downstairs.

I called one of my parents' driver to pick me and the boys up and drive us to the airport. I walked out of my house and locked it. The driver was already here with the boys since I'm closer to the airport. The driver took my bags and put them in the trunk.

"Thanks Marc." I said and smiled.

He gave me a nod and returned the smile. I got in the car next to Chase.

"Good morning guys." I beamed.

"Shh Ray, your voice is so loud." Jonah groaned.

"Well someone's still grumpy, I see." I rolled my eyes.

He flipped me off and closed his eyes. Marc started the car and headed to the airport.

I put my headphones on and played some music and just looked out the window. I just watched the houses we pass by. I sure gonna miss this place but I need the distraction. A lot has happened here and it was hard trying to get over them when everything just reminds you of the bad things that happened in the past.

After a while we finally arrived at the airport. Marc parked in front of the gate and went to bring us something to put our heavy suitcases on. The boys and I hopped out of the car and started to get our bags out of the trunk. Marc came back later and we all entered the airport. We all sat at the waiting area.

"I'm so nervous." I said to Nick who sat beside me.

"Why?"He asked.

" I don't know if I can perform in front of Paul or the bo-"

"Rachel don't worry about that. I know you'll do great. Just pretend you're in your room alone and everything will be fine." I got cut off by Nick.

"Thank you." I smiled and hugged him.

Before he could say anything our flight got called. We all stood up and headed to the gates. We put our bags on the conveyor belt so they can get on the plane. We entered the plane and looked for our seats. Nick and I were seated next to each other and Chase and Jonah were on the seats behind us. We all sat and waited for the plane to take off. I just put my headphones on and closed my eyes. Might as well just sleep. It's going to be a long flight.


I woke up by someone shaking me. I snapped my eyes open to find Nick hovering over me.

"Ray wake up. We're here." He smiled.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms. I got up and followed Nick out of the plane. The four of us got our bags and then headed outside.

"Do you know where Niall is?" Chase asked me.

"He should be here. He told me he'll be here when we land." I shrugged.

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