Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to laughter. Ugh are they back already? I want to sleep. Sigh.

I opened my eyes and looked around. All the boys were sitting on the floor chatting together. The 1D boys are eating the McDonald's I got them and they all looked happy.

Well isn't that just a beautiful sight to wake up to? I'm being serious although they're being inconsiderate for being so loud while I'm here 'sleeping'....

I sat up and yawned. All of them stopped talking and looked at me.

"Did we wake you?" Jonah asked worried.

"Yeah but it's okay." I replied tiredly and stretched my arms.

"Really? You're not going to yell at us or anything?" Niall asked.

Ohhh so they're scared of me.. Hehehe good.

"Nahh. Not tonight because I'm tired." I smiled.

They sighed in relief and the 5SOS boys laughed.

"You guys are cowards." Ashton laughed.

"Trust me, you haven't seen her getting really mad. It's really scary." Nick told them and he's right. I can get really scary. So y'all better watch out.

"Especially when she's on her period." Jonah shuddered.

"They didn't have to know that, you ass." I glared at him and blushed.

"Of course they have to know that. We need to give them a heads up!" Chase scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked me.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I answered him and walked to the bathroom.

I did my 'business' and washed my face and hands. My hair has got a bit messy so I just pulled it up to a pony tail and got out. I walked back to the living room and sat down with the guys. I took a seat next to Nick on my left and Luke on my right side.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" I asked them.

"Just telling your band members how being famous feels like." Harry responded and smiled.

"Ohh and how does it feel like?"

"It feels amazing being on stage performing in front of thousands of people who like your music and who care about you. It feels amazing to see them happy. It feels amazing to help them whenever they need a shoulder to cry on. It feels amazing that your fans rely on you. That they know we're gonna make them smile no matter what we do. It feels amazing to see them and give them a hug. Looking at their happy faces because they just hugged or met their idol is great. Having a conversation with them is so funny and lovely at the same time. Although it can be really creepy that they know lots of things about you but it still feels good to have them around you and listen to what they have to say. Of course it has its perks but I totally ignore them. The fans are important to me. They have this vibe that can make you smile or laugh by just looking at them.." Michael answered.

"Wow, that was deep." I breathed.

Honestly, I loved his answer. He had this look on his face that keeps drawing me in. I'm not saying I like him but ugh it's so hard to describe how I felt. I could feel his passion. You could see by just looking at his face that he loved being on stage playing music for his fans. It just makes me want to be like him. Not in a creepy way but I want to play in front of people.. I want them to know my story. I want them to know that it's okay to not be okay. That it's okay to talk about it to someone. I want them to know that they can talk to me whenever they want and about anything and everything. I'd be able to help them because I've gone through the same thing. I want to tell them that it's going to get better even if it seems like it's the end of the world.

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