The photo

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A week goes by and it's time for fitness training before the euros. I arrive and am greeted by lucy and keira

"hey you two!" i say hugging them both

"it's so good to have you on the team sienna!" lucy says.

me and lucy go way back, we've always been friends and we have a strong friendship like no other.
"how you feeling then debutant" keira says jokingly

i chuckle "yeah honestly i'm feeling good! i'm excited. this is my dream you know?" the girls nod in agreement as the other girls start to arrive at the training ground. greeted by them all, i still look for the familiar face i want to see. leah.

the last one too arrive, i notice her energetic as ever run out the car towards the girls greeting them all, then finally reaching me.

"hi you" she whispers in my ear and hugs you.

"ooo bet there's a bit of beef there" Georgia says and the girls laugh

"what us?" leah laughs "nah i'm over the loss"

"are you sure?" i say jokingly

leah nudges me playfully and we all enter the ground.

*later on*

we start our training when suddenly leah and i are called inside to see Sarina.

we look at eachother puzzled.

we sit down in her office like a pair of school girls in the head teachers office

"firstly sienna i want to congratulate you on your position here. i know you will do fantastically well."

"thank you i'm really greatful" i say smiling

"well there's something i need to discuss with you two" she leans forwards and pushes a picture towards us

the picture is taken from the park. me and leah sharing a kiss on the bench.

i gasp and so does leah.

"i've been sent this" she says. they want to leak it to the press

"shit" leah mutters

"what do we do?" i ask.

sarina sits back in her chair. "are you official" she asks us

we look at eachother and say no.

"well then. i'll contact whoever i can and shut this down. i don't want it affecting how you play, knowing this is circulating around. i don't care what you do in your free time, and if anything you'd be great together-" me and leah share a smile
"but for now whilst i get this sorted, do not. do not do anything like this until you are completely ready."
we both nod in agreement

"anyway you too no more rest breaks! let's get back out there!" she says laughing

"awh shame i wanted a cup of tea!" i laugh and so does sarina

me and leah leave the office. she's awfully quiet
"what's wrong" i ask

"look. i want this to work, i really do. but we need to listen to her. just for now. after the euros let's spend time together and see what happens. i don't want to mess this up" she says looking at me

"neither do i leah" i say gently squeezing her hand

we walk back outside onto the pitch

"what was that about" millie asks as they all stretch on the floor

"oh she wanted me to welcome the newbie into the team" leah says grabbing my shoulders

the girls whoop and cheer for me and i laugh in response.

Fast forward to a week later. We are now getting ready for the first match of the tournament against belgium.

I've not seen leah outside of training, but calling every night to catch up is our thing. I really cant wait for the euros to be done, just to see what it's like to live and be with leah williamson.

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