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the next day arrives and i meet the head coach jonas.

"it's a pleasure to meet you sienna" he stands up and shakes my hand from behind his desk.
"it's lovely to be here" i reply back smiling, looking at how proud he is to be the manager
"what made you suddenly want to meet?" he asks "have you finally realised we are the better team" he chuckles
i laugh slightly "i want a change. i want a new club, new environment. new kit, new boss obviously" i put my hands towards him as he nods and smiles
"listen you've read the contact i've sent over havent you?"
"yes i have. it's the best offer i've had" i reply
"you are with every penny." he replies
the rest of the meeting went on, as my mind flickered between arsenal and madrid.
I turn to morgan as jonas reaches for some paper work
"i'm happy here" i look at her and smile
she grabs my hand and memories of us comes flooding back .
* quick flashback *
See me and morgan used to date. She's a few years older than me, and was like a best friend to me when i started playing at 19. We felt a connection and we found ourself dating. It was very secretive but we made it work. 3 years we spent together, and after realising it didn't work we ended it.  We kept the friendship up and that what is the most important part. I then hired her as my agent which she was more than happy to do.

*back to the meeting*
I remove her hand of me and look at her
"i think we've come to an agreement" morgan says leaning over
"oh fantastic! i take it's a positive one" jonas says
"i want to accept the offer" i reply
jonas face lights up "you've just made me the happiest manager!"
i laugh as we head off to sign the papers. The club media all waiting to take the first picture and publish it.
i got the number 16 shirt. My lucky number. I stood there proudly holding my shirt. Then headed off for a photo of me in the full kit.

After this, the media went crazy over the new signing. New fans applauding me, old fans wishing me the best of luck.

I suddenly receive a text from leah

L- What? why didn't you tell me!

i reply

S- I wanted it a secret.

L- I'm so happy sienna.

S- are you sure? i didn't want to cross over relationships and work

L- are you joking? I'm so happy.

S- thank you leah. I'm probably going to celebrate at mums tonight. Do you want to come over?

L- yeah why not😊text me the time later. I'm proud of you for this.

I turn my phone off and have a tour of arsenal with Jonas.

When i got home i'm instantly met with my mum. sister and nephew at the door with balloons and champagne.

"look at you! my arsenal star" mum runs over to me kissin my cheeks
"my sister making the big move!" gemma says handing me over lucas who's drawn me a picture of a football

i smile massively and realise how grateful i am for this life.

Mum decides later on to grab some champagne, and some food. "can i invite leah over?" i ask mum
"of course you can darling, i'd like to meet the girl who's dating my daughter" she replies
"mum we aren't official" i reply back!
"you've been seeing eachother for two months , she not ask the big gf bomb yet?" gemma asks laughing
"no gem not yet."
"do you want it?" mum asks caringly
"i really do" i reply smiling
"what about morgan? or has that ship sailed" gemma asks
"oh gemma; stop it!! that's been and gone." mum replies telling her to leave me alone
she laughs and walks away

I text leah then invite her over at 6.

6 rolls around and the door bell rings. "i'll get it!" i shout

I open the door and see my fave blonde. She's stood there wearing a loose fitting shirt and black cargos.

"hi teammate" she looks at me and hugs me tightly. She hands me a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine.
she whispers "this is the wine from the other night" she winks at me
i laugh "come on in babe"
Lucas comes running to the door "leah!"
"hi again!" she tickles his tummy.
"you must be the famous leah williamson"'my mum said greeting her and bringing her into a cuddle
"it's lovely to meet you..."
"samantha" my mum replies
"sorry i haven't been told your name" leah look at me embarrassed
"that's my sister alright" gemma replies greeting leah
"you two are the same!" leah says shoxked
"did you not know ?" gemma asks
"no i did! i didn't realise how similar you'd be tho"

The night went on. Leah sat next to me eating a bowl of pasta and laughing with my family. As if she's been in my life for years. Lucas was obsessed with her. making her playing with his toys and hugging her

"i think he likes you" gemma says smiling
"so leah are you single?" my mum asks
"mum! " gemma and i both say "you can't ask that!" gemma reply's
leah laughs "no sam i'm not actually"
i look over at leah who's smiling at me
"seriously?" i reply smiling
"yeah seriously" leah says back
"official?" i reply
"official" leah grabs me and pulls me into her side
"wooo hoooo" gemma screams
my mum laughs and luca cheers. no idea what's going on.

The night went on and me and leah are in the garden , im showing her the shed where me and gemma used to spend out time growing up

we sit down on two beanbags together
"what a day huh" leah says smiling at me
"you know you didn't ask me that question properly"
leah laughs with the smile that's from ear to ear
"ok. sienna, will you be my girlfriend. officially"
"you know the answer to that" i reply and kiss her gently

Leah heads off home later that night. And i shut the door beaming with pride. love and admiration.

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