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I spent the summer with leah and my family. Leah decided we should go away for a few weeks, pre season wasnt just yet, and there was no international friendlys or matches coming up.

I was happy with my first season at arsenal, the fans are amazing, we were winning games, and i walked away with top goal scorer in the league. Pretty good first season right?

Leah decided to whisk me away to spain. She booked us a beautiful little apartment in Barcelona, our view overlooking the beautiful city.

"this is our first holiday together " leah says wrapping her arms around me as we both look out the window

"i wish we could do it more, there's so much to see" i sigh

"i mean we are only here for a week? we've got two more weeks after to do something" leah smiles at me mischievously

"ok you pick" i say
"ok are we thinking beach? city break?"
"how about italy" i reply
"ok ignored my question" leah chuckles letting go of me
"oh stop it" i laugh
"what about we cancel the flight home and take a direct flight to ibiza?. i mean it's practically down the road from here" she laughs

"let's do it!!" i clap my hands and open my phone to cancel the return flights and book a flight to ibiza next sunday

Leah and i spent out first day checking out the area we are staying in. The beautiful spanish culture embraced us as we walked round the town

"¡chicas hermosas! ¡ven a tomar una copa!" a local man outside his bars shouts at us as we walk down the street

"Ahora no gracias, pero nos vemos más tarde"i reply as he laughs

"i didnt realise you spoke spanish" leah asks shocked

"yeah i mean not fluently ! but my dads parents are spanish so i'd learn it for them you know" i smile

"that's amazing!! i cant believe you've never said? "

"you've never asked!" i laugh and she gently nudges me

"i can speak french too" i add on smugly
"no you can't!!" leah reply's shocked
"Oui je peux." she looks confused as i reply in english "yes i can. yeah a level french payed off well... and the help of daily duolingo"
"wow anymore surprises i don't know" leah adds

"mmm not that i can think of."

We spent the afternoon hand in hand, exploring the city and finding a beautiful spot for dinner. Leah orders a paella and i order pinchitos

"come on try this" leah offers me a spoonful of dish as i offer a bite of mine

"this is goooood" i moan slightly as i devour my food , so does leah

"right well pudding?" leah asks wiping sauce off her lips

"it's like you read my mind williamson" we laugh as we pay the bill (leah making me order it in Spanish and we walk away to a local ice cream shop and buy deserts

"go on have a lick" i playfully put my ice cream close to leah's mouth and move it away

"firstly what are tou referring to when you ask that, and secondly can i please try" leah begs

i let her have a lick as she pulls a confused face
"i told you you wouldn't like it!" i add happily licking my ice cream
"i mean come on who orders mint!" leah laughs
"right the one walking round with a bubblegum ice cream cant really talk" i add laughing
leah looks at me pretending to be hurt as she looks away  laughing
"do you want to go back up to the room? or shall we go for a drink?" i ask

"ooo shall we have a drink and head up in a bit? i mean we've got the rest of our lives to go to bed at ...." she looks at the time on her phone "eight forty 9"

"you make joke but your the one who likes to chill in bed" i joke
"well i mean if we are in bed i wouldn't class it as chilling" leah smirks at me
"oh i'm just teasing you" i finish the rest of my cone as leah devours hers
"mmm mmm mmm" leah licks her lips
"come here you've got a bit there" i rub the blue  stain from the corner of her lip
"just kiss it off" leah reply's pulling my finger off her  face
i lean in  and kiss her gently as a group of fellow lesbians walk past and cheer
we laugh as they walk away waving at us

We head over to the bar where the man spoke to me earlier. we greeted him at the door as he smiled

"¡volviste! ¿Los dos queréis un cóctel?" he asks
Leah looks at him confused
"no hablas español" he looks at her smiling
"no i'm sorry" she laughs and throws her hands up in the air
"ah no worries i speak in english for you. pero por ti hablaré español" he looks at me and giggles
"come on in girls. order at the bar, and i'll let him know it's free" he ushers us in and smiles
"really!?" leah says shocked
"of course! many people don't come and order here, plus i know you play the football. " he nods his head
"you watches us play?" leah asks
"yes i watched the world cup, we won obviously but i watched england play aswell" he smiles
"and you i watched you... ah in champions league!! yes against barcelona i think it was last year?" he looks at me
"yes we won... sorry about that" i add awkwardly
he brushes it off and laughs"ah well a world cup is better. sorry girls" he laughs even more jokingly
"i'm only joking go and get some drinks!"

Leah and i walk over to the bar, and after hours of chatting, and making a friend with our new acquaintance Roberto, we left the bar happy. He said whenever we come back it's free drinks. That's us sorted for the week then!

Leah and i headed back into our room and fell straight into bed. The days followed and flew by, it was the most amazing city i've been too, but sadly it was time to go. Leah and i packed our stuff, said goodbye to our little apartment and caught a flight directly over to ibiza.

We scheduled a week in ibiza too, topping up the tan and enjoying the peace and tranquility of no football. It was nice. It was just us as a regular couple, no work in the way, no nights of being endlessly tired , no nights us worrying about an important game. It was just us. We spent the week doing what we wanted (mostly the beach and eating) but it was worth it. With a completion of who tanned the most, leah winning as she flaunted off her tan lines, comparing her stomach to where her bikini bottoms were.

After a two of celebrating our engagement and the best year of our lives we flew back home. We sulked as we reached our apartment door. Sad the holiday was over , but we knew reality was hitting us already. I swung open the front door to see my sister sat on the sofa crying

Shit. What now?

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