Back to normal

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A week passes and i am officially on the mend. My car on the other hand? Scrapped. It's a literally piece of shit. But that's a different matter

It's time to get back into training ready for the new season to begin. No transfers have been made for arsenal this season, potentially suggesting jonas is happy with the squads current state.

Leah and i arrive at the training ground for our first training session, we park up the  car and get ready to start this season off.

I feel fitter than ever, (apart from my recent hit) however i'm strong and ready for the season. As we enter the training ground, we both enter the ground
"massive congrats you two!" mccabe runs up to me and hugs me
"i cant believe it! well i can leah told me the other week" mead says laughing
"you should've told me!" i say jokingly
"you don't realise how hard she had to try to keep it in!" mccabe says laughing

our conversation is stopped abruptly as jonas stands beckoning me over
"brighton i need to talk to you"

"oooo someone's in trouble!" mead says laughing behind me quietly

I laugh and walk over to jonas who looks anxious
"please come with me" he walks infront of me as we head to his office and let's me sit down opposite him

"have i-"
"you've done no wrong" jonas says laughing "please don't worry"
"thank the lord " i reply as my heart goes back to normal
"listen i want to make sure you are happy here" he looks at me sternly
"more than happy" i reply
"because i've erm... " he stutters a minute
"you've had sone transfer requests from clubs, other big clubs in europe"
"yeah i mean barca want you, they've offered a mega sun of money" he leans over his desk
i sit in silence as i wonder why they want me "i want to stay here" i reply sternly
"thank the lord" he puts his head in his hands with joy
"do you want me to go" i joking say
"god no! you helped us win!"
"i don't think i want to move. i'm happy here. the club is fantastic, the coaching staff are great and the support is immense. i also cant see myself moving away from my family"
"and miss williamson" he says
"congrats to you both by the way" he smiles and adds
"thank you jonas, i'm definite about my choice by the way"
"it's good to hear you are so passionate about this club sienna. i cant wait to see what this future holds, you are such a bright star"

After a few minutes of chatting i leave the office and head to the changing rooms to put my boots on.

"you ok darling" leah says standing next to me changing her shirt. I notice her toned abs stretch as she puts on her t shirt, i can't help to stare.
"eyes are up here" she jokingly says

"oh it was nothing i've been given transfer offers from other clubs, barca want me"

leah stands there in shock "shit that's amazing babe, you should be proud! what's your decision? i don't want you to feel like you have to stay here for me... you know that right?"she adds caring, but a glimpse of worry across her face
"you don't have to worry, i'm staying. i'm happy where i am. our life, my career, my family"

She smiles as other girls ask me what's up. as we head out to the pitch soon after.

The training went well, i mean apart from the bleep test. Who tf decided to make that a thing!! After a long training session i head over to the ice bath with mead. Me and mead are becoming extremely close, she's a right laugh and i genuinely think she's the one person who's cared for me the most here... apart from leah of course

"what's that tattoo on your arm?" she points at my tattoo on my left forearm
"oh it's my fave amy winehouse lyric"i reply
She looks intrigued "you know i'm no good" she whispers under her breath
"yeah she was my dad's favourite, he loved her. that was our song. i didn't know what it truly meant at first but it's just got such a deep meaning... sorry i'm going on" i laugh

"ah come on don't be like that. it's good to know stuff like that, plus it's really interesting. she was fantastic"
"oh she truly was" i reply
"what about this one then?" she points at my leaf tattoo wrapping round my right arm up to my shoulder
"oh this? just fancied it to be honest" i laugh
"ok this one? " she points at a tattoo on my shoulder
"one i fancied. i liked the way it looked and added touches of personal aspects"
"ok what about that one"
"this one... i got this after i first won the cup with city" i gently place my hand over the 10 stars which are gently wrapped round an elegant flower"
"i've got more... sone i cant exactly show you" i add
"oh? i didn't know you had this side"
"and i've seen them all! " leah joins us , as if she was overhearing the convo
"this one i can show you" i lift my leg up and show her a tattoo on my ankle
"fucking diva" beth howls as she reads it out

The tattoo is fading out massively "it's from a little corner tattoo shop in... Lanzarote. bit of a drunk and stupid decision but at least i know what i am" i add laughing and putting my leg down in the water
"oh that's my fave one" beth laughs and so does leah. leah slowly eyes beth and looks at me
"actually i'm just going to grab some food and dry off " beth says slowly climbing out
"o think you should dry off first babe" i say laughing
"duh!" she shouts walking away
"you two are close" leah says looking at me and making sure beth is out of ear shot
"is leah williamson jealous?"
"pffttt no are you joking. "
"oh just say you are a tad"
"ok a little sienna"
i laugh "please leah. come on. it's you and it's only you"
she smiles and looks at me "do you want to go and dry off and then get some food and then go home? i fancy a movie night" leah says hugging me under the water
"i would've ask for anything else" i kiss hee forehead as we head off to get some food.

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