Trouble in the Pack, Again.

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After a while, Alex wound up falling asleep too. She found it easier to fall asleep when she was next to Gray. When she woke up, Gray was still sleeping. She looked around to see what time it was. She was good at reading the sky to find out what time it was. It was roughly 6 a.m. Suddenly, she felt an overwhelming feeling of fear. It must be coming from Kyla.

"Kyla, What's wrong?" Alex whispered to herself, knowing Kyla could hear her.

"Alex, where are you? There's trouble in the village." She answered.

"Gray and I are on our way. I'll tell you later." Alex said. "Gray." She shook his shoulder a few times. He stirred a bit. "Gray, wake up. We've got to go." He mumbled some words she didn't quite understand. Finally, she got him to wake up fully. When he noticed their position, he blushed and moved away.

"Sorry. I hope I wasn't a bother." He was stuttering. Alex simply shook her head.

"You started crying, and I felt that you needed a friend. I let you cry it out, and then you fell asleep." Alex said, blushing a little.

"Oh, thank you, Alex."

"Hey, it's nothing." Just then, she got a message from Kyla asking them to hurry.

"Oh, right! We have to get back to the village. Apparently, there's trouble again. Kyla sent me a message. We need to get there quickly." Alex said. He nodded and started to get to his feet. Alex followed him. When they were at a safe distance from the graveyard, she told him to wait.

"Wind-Make: Cyclone!" With this, a cyclone surrounded them. As it lifted them off the ground and further into the air, it started to curve towards the village. It dropped them just outside the village. Mainly because she didn't want it to ruin any of the tents. They then rushed through camp.

"Kyla! Where are you?" Alex hollered. She heard a faint 'Over here, Alex!'

"They must be in the field," Gray said. The whole way back, he never once made eye contact with her. They started to run towards the harvesting field.

"Watch out!" Alex heard Lucy Holler. Both Gray and Alex swerved to the side to avoid being hit with a rock? Alex then looked back and saw another one of the monsters that Gray and Alex found earlier in the week.

"How many of these things are there?" Alex hollered.

"It seems they are drawn to this magic circle. After we defeat this monster, I want you to burn this place up." Erza said.

"WHAT!!! But won't that cause a fire?" Alex said.

"As long as Erza can contain it with her Flame Empress armor, you should be good. Plus, Wendy, Gray, and Natsu can put out the flames that aren't stopped by Erza." Lucy explained.

"Wait, wouldn't Natsu just cause more flames?" Alex asked.

"I can eat them. I bet your flames taste good." Natsu said it with a goofy smile on his face. Alex noticed Gray started to tense up when Natsu mentioned her flames tasting good.

"Just don't go overboard. Remember, you have a promise to keep." Gray whispered to her. She nodded, remembering the conversation last night and the fact that she had made a promise to his mother that she would protect him until her last breath.

"Ky, Be ready to lift me when I need it. 'Kay?" Alex said to Kyla, She nodded. She knew she would have to tell her all about where she'd been. Alex then got into a fighting stance.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Alex yelled. Everybody nodded.

"Oh Swift, wind that dashes through the Heavens! Vernier! O strength of arm that cleaves the Heavens! Arms!" With this, her body felt a lot lighter, and she felt a boost in her magic power. Alex felt as if she would float up into the sky.

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