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julia stiles as CASSIE BODART •—

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julia stiles as CASSIE BODART •—

damian hardung as JAMES BEAUFORT •—&harriet herbig-matten as RUBY BELL •—

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damian hardung as JAMES BEAUFORT •—
harriet herbig-matten as RUBY BELL •—

damian hardung as JAMES BEAUFORT •—&harriet herbig-matten as RUBY BELL •—

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and the rest of
the maxton hall cast as themselves •—


cassie bodart was unlike anything at maxton hall.

coming from a more than middle class family, her father being a striving business man his entire career and a diligent saver, she had quickly scored her ticket to the prestigious, high class, snob-ridden school in the town next to hers. if she wouldve had it her way, though, she wouldve stayed in middle-class-like education, with teachers and students who kept it much more real. much more lowkey.

but her father, destined to give his daughter an even grander life than he had made for himself, sent her off to party, study, and copy the elite at maxton hall.

she may have been forced to go, but she would never let herself be forced to conform.

with the way cassie held her place at this school, there was always more than a world between her and people like james beaufort; there was a wall.

if she wanted to, cassie could've ran wild through the it-crowd of maxton hall in her first year there. her looks were unlike the normal, tasteful family she had come from. unmatchable beauty and body shape had blessed the girl ever since puberty, but she didnt see it as much as a blessing. it had helped her stand out against her peers, sure, but also made it so everyone noticed her day one of her presence at maxton.

but her seemed to be destined call to fame and popularity blew up in her face once, during her first year, as a sophomore, and she swore to never let it happen again. to never let her wall down, not to the shallow, arrogant and brainless clickes of maxton hall.

definitely not to people like james beaufort.

but now, entering her senior year, her rocky past still tucked away deep in the secrets, scandals and drama of this school, never shared by those indulged in it, and pushed far away in the corners of her memory. desired to be ignored.

because throughout her time at maxton, she had learned to choose many things.

to keep her walls up. she was better off invisible.

to stay far, far away from the beauforts click.
who would send her looks, but could never try to hurt a girl they knew nothing about.

and to never entertain her vast opportunity for popularity. or male attention.
ever again.

the brutal mistake of her acquaintance, ruby bell, would ruin these plans of hers, though.

also being co-chair of the event committee, cassie would be thrown right in the middle of the life she never wanted. the boys she stayed far away from.

and the nights she had tried so desperately to forget.

quite quickly, cassie would be forced to see her walls crumble down almost as forcefully as she had put them up.

and her hatred for boys like james beaufort would prove to just be getting started.

as well as her lessons of what to choose and ignore in this world.


a/n TRIGGER WARNING - my character suffers from trauma and ptsd of sexual abuse. if descriptions of this trauma of hers would in anyway be triggering to you, please be careful!! take care of YOU, this is just a story and isnt worth you being harmed while reading it!! i love you!! 

the wall between us, james beaufortWhere stories live. Discover now