chapter one.

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it took one second. one opened door that was meant to stay shut. three pairs of eyes meeting when it was only supposed to be two.

a forgotten assignment.

just a few things to ruin my life.
the life i had made for myself, anyway.

maybe i was being insensitive to ruby. she had to see it, she had to live with the embarrassment, and she had to deal with the tension that had come from the beaufort family for a day or two.

but i had to deal with the consequences much more than she ever did. i had to reap the "benefits" of the underdog student walking in on the it-girl of the school making out with a maxton professor.

you would've thought the shame would land on ruby.
you would've thought her reputation would've been changed forever.
that she'd be hated, or worshipped. the drama at this place was just that unpredictable.

but turns out, it was much more unpredictable than i had ever thought. because ruby's status at this school barely changed at all.

it had been someone else.

and ironically, the only person who want it less than ruby bell did.



ruby just about bumped into me the day it had all started. actually she had done so twice.

the first time was before first period even started. ruby and i were a part of the small group of pupils here that actually had to walk to school, not get driven in by a limo.

apparently the mile long walk from the bus stop hadnt slown ruby down by the time she had gotten to the front doors, and i had felt the impact of the petit teen.

"did you hand it in?" i raised a brow at her, knowing it was a very important day for her.

ruby bell and i had a few things in common. not really deserving to be at a school like this, having to fight our way here, and being basically invisible to our senior class. i didnt really try to have many friends here at maxton, but ruby was nice. and innocent.

another thing we had in common - we were complete opposites of those around us.

she smiled, and i could feel the nerves radiating off her body, "yep. mr sutton has everything he needs to write me a recommendation for oxford."

where we differed was why we were here, and how we were using a place like maxton hall to steward our futures.

ruby clawed her way to getting her at maxton, herself, in order to have a chance at oxford university next fall. her family poor, also living out of town, she was extremely driven and self sufficient. she had a goal and a purpose.

for me, my father had clawed his way to just get me here, never mind saving up his own money beforehand. it had taken lots of convincing and begging. i wasn't driven, or determined, or had any idea what i wanted to do with my life. my father had all done that for me, quicker than i couldve stopped it.

so no, i wasnt here because i dreamed of going to oxford or wanted to be rich and wealthy one day with my husband and crew of maids. i was here to satisfy my parents, nothing more.

the wall between us, james beaufortWhere stories live. Discover now