chapter five.

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the next day, i was called out of first period to lexingtons office.

but he wasnt the only one who was there. when i stumbled into the room, probably due to my shaking hands and anxious nature, two heads flew up to meet my eyes.

lexingtons, and james beaufort's.

i couldve screamed in anger, in his face, again.

"what is this about?" i demanded, but lexingtons hand directed me towards the chair, so i uncomfortably sat down, pushing myself into the corner that was the furthest away from james.

"you both disappointed me, immensely, last night." lexington started, and i felt both james and i's chests fill with anger and rebuttal, "as im sure youre aware."

james looked over at me, and after eyeing me up and down, smirked. it wasnt a way of checking me out, though he practically did call me attractive the other day, it was confirming that i was indeed scared. i was finally overpowered. he had won.

"thats enough smugness with you, mr beaufort." soon it was my turn to smirk though, as lexington had caught the look too, "someone caught you with the dj, paying him off."

james eyes settled to rageful ones, not entitled, and lexington huffed, "i obviously knew and could tell that this wasnt the committee's doing." he looked over at me, "however, it was still under your control, and this is not what i woudve expected from your leadership."

"why are you saying all this to ruby?" i spat out, "shes chair."

"and you, co-chair," he nodded, "and someone caught you by the music booth right when everything went awry, and consulting with james right as he left. all during the chaotic falling of the event." he flickered his eyes in between james and i, and i felt myself get small in my chair.

so he knew i didnt do it, but was punishing me for having been seemingly associated with it. even in the slightest, most innocent, of ways.

i had began to punish myself for it too. the second my eyes caught cyril's. my small involvement in this rebel act from james had gotten me tied up to something even worse - my past.

i squeezed my eyes shut to stop my thoughts.

"james," lexington started, "youve earned yourself a lacrosse team suspension."

james sat up straight in his chair.

"and cassie," i gulped as his eyes bored into mine, "im not sure what to do with you quite yet," he stumbled a bit, "however, while it is being decided, this will still stand true for both of you. james will be spending his freedom from the lacrosse team paired up with you," it was my turn to lean forward, abruptly, as if to heave all over the director and his desk, "to make sure the committee's next event goes smoothly, and without fault," he spoke clearly, and eyed both of us, "and we will assess both of your punishments afterwards."

he looked at me, and only me, during this next part, "also, while it is still being decided, i will give you one chance to speak on the matter." my eyes widened, hungry for any chance i had to clear my name, "as a form of peace offering, as you didn't seem to have any true involvement in this rebellious sabotage..." i nodded, "the matter of if there is anything about this situation i should be aware of," he paused, and i sucked in air, "about you, or mr beaufort."

a rock hit my stomach. this was my chance. my chance to ruin the beaufort name in this school, possibly get rid of them forever.

to show boys like james that they shouldve never messed with me, especially while never even having a reason to anyway.

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