chapter six.

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i got to school early the next day, knowing james would have practice on the field. 

well, the team would have practice on the field, but i had heard that james would show up when he could in support. even if it technically wasnt allowed anymore.

i found him away from the group, stretching on the ground, i walked up to him quickly, trying to set my intentions of a brisk chat.

"beaufort," i called out as i approached him, "when are we doing this little field trip of yours?"

i stood above him with my hands crossed, and he slowly brought his head up from his position to meet my own. unfazed. not even trying to match my urgent behavior.

"ya know," he groaned as he slowly got up, stretching out his limbs slowly and craning his neck side to side, "when someone does you a favor, the least you can do is be nice to them." he smiled, "maybe a thank you." he bent down to touch his toes.

"one will be given when we impress lexington and we dont have to be partners anymore." i huffed, "and even then, maybe."

somehow, he took it as sarcasm, because he smiled up at me, his head slightly tilted forward as he rose from his stretch.

i kept mine still.

"ya know, this would be a lot easier if we made it so." his shoulders shrunk down from their normally high, entitled, defensive position, and i blamed it on all the stretching, "i may not be in love with this pairing either, but we are going to spend a day together, bodart."

i didnt like the nickname, and i didnt understand the sudden desire for civility between us.

why was james beaufort extending an olive branch to me? the same kid who endlessly threatened me earlier this week.

"unfortunately so." i rolled my eyes and went to turn from him, deciding to get my answer some other way, some other time.

"cassie." the word was loud, but stern. stern enough to make me stop in my tracks completely. i waited for more, but nothing came.

that is, until i turned around to see james, still standing there, but his face was a shade redder than a few seconds ago, "no." but then, he looked amused.

"no what?" i lifted a brow.

"no, i will not go to the estate with you." i felt my eyes widen, "not unless you quit the sulk attitude act towards me."

i lowered them into a glare, "thats really what you want?" i scoffed, "since when do you care what i think of you?"

"since we have to spend a whole day together because im trying to help us out." he seemed angry, "changing my plans and getting favors for you and your little club that got me in trouble in the first place." he stared at me for a second more, "the least you could be is civil towards me."

i had no idea what could have birthed this desire in him, or even told him the sick idea that it would even be possible. i wanted to seem a lot stronger than that, my walls a lot taller.

but another part of me, knew he was right. the estate really was going to be a day affair, and i wasnt sure if a day with james beaufort would be better in the bitter silence i wanted it to be in, or the fake civility he did. 

but, for some reason, the fact that he even extended an olive branch made me think twice.

maybe this will make james, the estate, and the rest of our time together during the committee, be a lot better. i thought to myself.

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