Chapter II: Karaoke

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After a long struggle to keep Y/n's attention away from his impulsive antics, Momo finally managed to lead him to the dormitories of Class 1A. It had been a tedious journey, filled with numerous distractions and detours, but Momo's determination had prevailed. As they approached the entrance to the dormitory building, Momo let out a small sigh of relief. Her patience had been tested to the limit by Y/n's behaviour, but they had finally arrived at their first destination.

"Here we are, L/n-san," Momo announced, her voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. "This is the dormitory building for Class 1A." She gestured towards the entrance with a graceful sweep of her hand. Y/n looked at the building with a nonchalant shrug, his expression betraying a hint of boredom. Despite Momo's efforts to maintain order, he seemed more interested in finding new ways to entertain himself than exploring their surroundings. However, as they stood at the entrance to the dormitory, a subtle change seemed to occur in Y/n's demeanour. For the first time since they began their journey, Y/n's restless energy seemed to subside slightly. Perhaps it was the imposing presence of the dormitory or the realisation that they had reached their destination. Whatever the reason, Momo felt a fleeting moment of calm settle over Y/n, a brief respite from his usual rebellious streak.

Seizing the opportunity to capitalise on Y/n's momentary lull, Momo took a step closer to him, her voice soft but firm. "This is where you'll be staying during your time at UA," she explained, her tone gentle yet firm. "It is important that you familiarise yourself with the layout and rules of the dormitories. Aizawa-sensei is inside and will assign you a dormitory." Y/n's eyes wandered, his attention slipping away from Momo's words as he scanned the surroundings with idle curiosity. Momo's irritation flared and she snapped her fingers in his face. "L/n-san, did you hear what I said?"

Y/n blinked and then grinned. "Yes, yes, I heard you. Something about rules and Aizawa-sensei." Momo sighed, annoyance in her voice. "Please, just focus for a moment." Taking a deep breath, Momo opened the door to the building. As she stepped inside, she was greeted by a chorus of familiar voices.

"Yao-Momo, where have you been?" called Mina, her pink hair bouncing with energy. "Momo!" several others chimed in happily, their faces lighting up with welcoming smiles. Momo managed a tired but genuine smile in return. "I was in Principal Nezu's office because I need to work with someone," she explained, gesturing behind her. "That's the guy I was talking about." Mina's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Uh, Momo... there's nobody behind you."

Momo turned around and to her dismay, Y/n was nowhere to be seen. She let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Couldn't he just concentrate on one thing? How can he hope to be a hero like that?" The others exchanged confused looks, and Mina placed a comforting hand on Momo's shoulder. "Don't worry, Momo. I'll help you find him."

Momo nodded gratefully, though her patience was wearing thin. "Thank you, Mina. I'm really sorry to everyone in advance, because this new guy is... tiring, to say the least." As Momo and Mina left the building, Mina tilted her head in curiosity. "So what does he look like? I need to know who I'm looking for." Momo sighed, remembering Y/n's appearance. "He's got dark blue and red hair, and he's got ear piercings. He wears a casual outfit and has a rather... relaxed attitude." Mina nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "Got it. Shouldn't be too hard to spot someone like that."

The two of them walked down the corridor, peeking into classrooms and around corners. Momo's frustration was obvious, but Mina's cheerful disposition helped to keep her spirits up. "Hey, don't worry too much, Momo. We'll find him. He can't be that far away."

As they turned another corner, they heard a commotion near a group of vending machines.

Momo groaned inwardly as he had a good idea what - or who - was causing the disturbance. When they arrived, they found Y/n with a confused expression, surrounded by curious students. He had somehow managed to tip over one of the vending machines, balancing precariously on two legs as he tried to drop a stuck snack.

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