Chapter IV: Knowing

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Momo and Y/n stood in Principal Nezu's office, their heads bowed as they endured a rare scolding. Momo's shoulders were slightly slumped, her posture a mixture of shame and nervousness. Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her, fingers fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. Beside her, Y/n stood rigid, his eyes fixed on the floor. His jaw was clenched and his hands were shoved deep into his pockets, the tension in his frame evident.

Principal Nezu, seated at his desk, looked at her with a calm yet stern expression. His small, rodent-like eyes were sharp and appraising. When he finally spoke, his voice was calm but with an undeniable authority. "Your actions against the criminals today were reckless," he began, his gaze shifting to Y/n. "Y/n, you cannot rush into danger as if it were nothing. You must wait for your partners. Your behaviour was both reckless and careless." Y/n swallowed hard, his head still bowed, absorbing the weight of Nezu's words.

Nezu then turned to Momo. "And you, Yaoyorozu, you cannot lose your nerve so easily. While it was commendable that you called for Mt. Lady, you must maintain your focus throughout the encounter. Your loss of concentration could have had serious consequences. You attacked one of your partners instead of the criminals." She nodded, her grip on her skirt tightening. "Yes, Director Nezu. I understand," she murmured.

There was a brief, tense silence before Y/n took a deep breath and spoke, his voice calm but respectful. "With all due respect, Principal Nezu, Yaoyorozu-san is not to blame for what happened. She did exactly what she was supposed to do: she waited and informed a professional hero. I, on the other hand, did not. If she missed her net shot, it was because she didn't know that when I merge with the ground, I lose my clothes if they aren't my hero costume".

Nezu looked at L/n thoughtfully for a moment before nodding slightly. "I understand your position, L/n," he said. "Your recklessness cannot be overlooked, I know." He paused, then added, "But for now, please wait outside. I would like to speak to Yaoyorozu alone." Y/n nodded at Nezu's request, then turned to Momo with a small, reassuring nod before leaving the office. He closed the door quietly behind him, leaving Momo alone with the headmaster. The silence in the room was heavy and before Nezu could say anything, Momo spoke.

"I apologise for my attitude during the patrol," she said, her voice wavering slightly. "If you think I am no longer worthy to represent the UA, I understand. I wasn't up to what the situation demanded and I... I was paralysed in some moments." Nezu smiled softly, his eyes softening. "That's not why I wanted to talk to you alone, Yaoyorozu."

Momo looked up in surprise. "Then why?" Nezu leaned back in his chair, still smiling. "Do you have a problem working with L/n?" Momo hesitated before nodding. "A bit. He can be a bit chaotic and it's hard for me to keep up. But he's strong, so I try my best." Nezu's smile widened. "To work well with your partner, you have to understand why he is the way he is."

Momo looked confused. "What do you mean?" "When I told you on the first day that your first task was to get to know each other, it was because it's important," Nezu explained. "You don't know why he's so carefree, energetic and enthusiastic, do you?" Momo shook her head, still confused. "No, I don't. I assumed it was just his personality."

Nezu nodded thoughtfully, his small frame almost lost in the large chair. "L/n grew up in a very strict family," he began. "His parents always decided everything for him - what he studied, how he spent his time, even his friends. His own entertainment didn't matter; he just had to live up to their expectations." Momo listened intently, her curiosity growing. "That sounds... difficult."

"It was," Nezu continued. "He had very little freedom and no opportunity to pursue his own interests. But now he's finally enrolled in Hero Studies, something he really enjoys. He promised himself that he would take this chance to enjoy life and have fun, something he never could before".

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