Chapter III: Naked & dressed

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It was the morning after karaoke, and the students had gone to bed quite late, except for Iida, Todoroki and Momo, who, as usual, were the most disciplined of all. Momo, always punctual, was up early as usual, meticulously preparing for the day ahead. She put on her uniform and combed her hair. With a final adjustment to her tie, she left her room. Momo made her way down the corridor towards the common room, her mind focused on the programme, wondering what she and Y/n would have to do next.

As Momo rounded the corner and entered the common room, she was confronted with a scene that left her speechless and embarrassed. There stood Y/n, completely unaware of her presence, shirtless and completely lost in his own world. Music blared from his headphones at an ear-splitting volume, echoing through the room, even Momo could hear it from her place. "AAHH!" Momo's scream of embarrassment echoed through the dorm, jolting every student awake and drawing their attention to the chaotic scene unfolding before them. But Y/n remained oblivious. The kitchen was a mess, pots and pans scattered haphazardly as Y/n prepared breakfast. He sang along to the music with unabashed enthusiasm.

Jirou made her way over to Momo, tiredness on her face. "What happened? Why did you scream?" she asked. Momo, still flushed with embarrassment, could only gesture towards Y/n who was blissfully unaware of the chaos he had caused. Jirou sighed and rolled her eyes before taking matters into her own hands. With a quick movement, she jammed her jacks into Y/n's neck, causing him to jump and whirl around to face the gathering crowd.

The sudden silence that followed was almost deafening as he turned off his music and tried to sort out the mess he had made, broken only by Y/n's sheepish grin as he greeted everyone with a cheery "Good morning!" He offered to make breakfast for anyone who was interested, but when the students looked over at his plate, they were met with the sight of overly toasted bread, an overly fried egg and a glass of milk on the counter. In unison, they all shook their heads and declined Y/n's offer, a chorus of "no thanks" echoing through the room. Y/n scratched the back of his head, looking slightly dejected at the lack of enthusiasm for his culinary skills.

Feeling a mixture of irritation and embarrassment, Momo made her way towards Y/n, her cheeks still flushed. Without meeting his eyes, she addressed him in a firm tone. "Could you please get dressed? It's not appropriate to be shirtless in the common areas," she said, her voice tinged with annoyance. Y/n's grin widened at her discomfort and he couldn't resist teasing her. "Embarrassed, Yao-Momo?" he asked, amusement evident in his voice. Momo's face only grew redder and she looked away, choosing not to dignify his question with an answer. Chuckling, Y/n relented. "Alright, alright, I'll get dressed," he said, giving her a playful wink before turning to gather his things. Surprisingly, he set about cleaning the kitchen with unexpected efficiency, leaving it tidier than he had found it. Then Y/n headed back to his room to get dressed.

Momo took a deep breath after he left and tried to compose herself. She busied herself with making a cup of coffee, hoping the caffeine would help shake off her embarrassment. But before she could take a sip, Jirou approached. "Hey, Momo, are you okay?" Jirou asked quietly. Momo nodded and offered a weak smile. "I'm fine, just tired," she replied, a hint of exhaustion in her voice. "Y/n was a handful this morning and I have to work with him on a programme Nezu has assigned me."

Jirou's eyebrows raised in understanding. "Ah, I see. He is indeed a bit of a mess, the opposite of you. But what is this programme about?" Momo sighed. "Nezu said it was some kind of programme to promote cooperation between the different hero schools, Y/n is from Shiketsu High School. I guess I expected him to be disciplined because of the school's reputation, but he is quite the opposite. I don't really know why we were chosen, maybe he's really strong and I'm the opposite, weak but organised."

As Momo spoke, she was unaware that Y/n had returned to the common room and was standing behind her, listening intently. His curiosity piqued by her words, he chimed in: "Weak? You don't seem weak. The UA wouldn't accept 'weak' people for the hero course, so you must be really strong too." Momo jumped slightly at the sound of Y/n's voice behind her and turned to face him with a surprised expression on her face. She hadn't expected him to overhear their conversation. "Oh, um, thank you, L/n-san, but it's rude to listen to other people's conversations," she stammered. Y/n grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "No need to be so formal, Yao-Momo. I told you, you can call me Y/n," he said casually and took a seat nearby. "So, what's the plan for today? Are we finally going to do something interesting?"

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