Chapter V: Building Trust

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It was another day at U.A. High School. Momo woke up in her room, the morning light filtering through the curtains. She stretched, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead. After putting on her school uniform and tying her hair back with her headband, she made her way downstairs to the common room. As she descended the stairs, the familiar smell of burnt toast filled the air. A small sigh escaped her lips; it seemed Y/n was at it again. Determined to remind him of his manners, she rounded the corner into the kitchen.

To her surprise, the scene that greeted her was quite different from the day before. Y/n was standing there, wearing a plain t-shirt and looking surprisingly tidy. The kitchen, which had been a disaster zone the morning before, was now much more tidy. However, the food on the stove still looked just as burnt. Momo paused, hiding around the corner as she watched him for a few seconds. Y/n seemed focused, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to salvage what appeared to be a rather large batch of breakfast. He was clearly making enough food for more than just himself.

Stepping into the kitchen, Momo greeted him, "Good morning, Y/n." Y/n turned, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he saw her. "Good morning, Yao- Momo," he replied, his voice warm and friendly. "I was about to make you breakfast." Momo's eyes widened in surprise, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks. "For me? That's very thoughtful of you," she said, her tone softening. Y/n chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Yes, well, I was going to make you something, since you always seem to wake up at this hour, but it looks like I may have overestimated my culinary skills."

Momo chuckled softly before taking the spatula from his hand. "Maybe you did overestimated them a bit," she teased. Y/n protested mockingly, "Hey, I did my best here! Burnt toast can be a delicacy in some places, you know." Momo couldn't help but laugh at his playful defence. "Well, let's make sure our breakfast is a little more... edible," she said, nudging him gently aside. "I'll help you, so we can both enjoy it together."

As they worked side by side, the kitchen filled with the sound of their light-hearted banter. Momo showed Y/n some basic cooking techniques, guiding him through the process with patience and a few more gentle jabs at his earlier attempts. Y/n, for his part, was eager to learn, his usual cocky demeanour giving way to genuine curiosity and effort. While they were flipping pancakes, Y/n accidentally bumped into Momo, causing her to stumble slightly. Instinctively, Y/n reached out to steady her, his hand brushing against hers. For a brief moment their eyes met, the proximity causing an unexpected spark. Momo's cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink and she quickly looked away, concentrating on the pancakes.

"Sorry about that," Y/n said, his voice softer, the playful edge replaced with a hint of sincerity. "Didn't mean to trip you up." "It's okay," Momo replied, her voice a little shaky. "Accidents happen." They continued to cook, and when they were finished, they carried their things to a table together. "You know, this was actually kind of fun," Y/n admitted as he carefully left the pancakes on the table. "I usually just grab something quick in the morning, or well, burnt toast." Momo smiled, "Cooking can be fun if you take your time."

The food was not perfect, but it was a marked improvement, and both were pleased with their efforts. "This is pretty good," Y/n said, taking a bite of his pancake. "I might have to make this a regular thing." Momo chuckled. "I'm glad you think so," she replied. "Maybe next time we can try to cook something more difficult." Y/n grinned, his playful spirit returning. "Oh, I'm up for that. Just don't be surprised if I burn a few things on the way."

As they finished their breakfast, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs signalled the arrival of their classmates. One by one they entered the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and yawning. "Good morning, everyone," Momo greeted warmly, her demeanour noticeably more relaxed as she glanced at Y/n, who was carefully tidying up the kitchen. "Morning, Momo! Y/n," Kaminari said, sniffing the air. "Is that... burnt toast I smell?" Y/n laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Guilty as charged. But we did manage to make some decent pancakes." Mina bounded into the room, her eyes brightening at the sight of the food. "Oh, pancakes! You really went all out this morning!" Momo chuckled softly, "We thought we'd try something different today."

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