Chapter VIII: Action

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Momo and Y/n approached the industrial unit cautiously, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They stayed hidden behind a parked car, using it as cover. The two guards stationed at the front of the building were unaware of the danger lurking just a few metres away. Momo, her expression focused and determined, activated her quirk. With a soft glow, a long, sturdy staff materialised in her hands. She gripped it tightly. She turned her eyes to Y/n, who met hers as she nodded. Momo's nod was all Y/n needed. He gave her a brief, encouraging smile before his form shimmered and merged with the floor, his body blending seamlessly with the concrete.

Y/n moved silently and quickly. He glided through the floor behind the first guard, rising silently from the ground like a ghost. Before the guard could react, Y/n's concrete fist struck the back of his head with a thud. The guard crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The second guard heard the noise and turned, his eyes widening in alarm as he saw Y/n standing over his fallen comrade. But before he could shout a warning, Momo was already on the move. She swung her staff with precision, the solid metal connecting with the back of the guard's head. He fell to the ground next to his partner, both incapacitated.

Wasting no time, Momo knelt beside them and again used her quirk to create handcuffs. She quickly bound their hands and feet to make sure they wouldn't cause any trouble when they woke up. Y/n helped her drag the unconscious guards to the small guardhouse nearby. They left the guards inside and closed the door as they left. "Good work," Y/n whispered, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any further threats. "Thank you," Momo replied, her voice just as quiet. "We need to move quickly before anyone notices they're missing." With the guards neutralised and safely out of the way, Momo and Y/n prepared to infiltrate the industrial unit.

Momo and Y/n slipped through the door of the industrial unit and entered a vast, dimly lit room filled with towering stacks of large crates. The crates were piled high, creating narrow corridors that twisted and turned. The air was thick with the smell of dust and machinery, and the faint hum of distant engines could be heard. They moved cautiously, their senses heightened as they made their way through the maze of crates. The shadows cast by the dim overhead lights provided some cover, but also made it difficult to see what lay around every corner. As they crept through the narrow corridors, they noticed a few people moving about, operating machines to move crates from one place to another. These workers seemed unaware of their presence, concentrating on their tasks. Momo and Y/n remained silent, using the noise of the machines to mask their movements.

"We need to find Mt. Lady," Y/n whispered, his voice barely audible over the noise of the machines. Momo nodded, her eyes scanning the rows of crates for a clue. "She's got to be in here somewhere. Let's stay low and keep moving." They kept weaving through the corridors, peeking around corners and ducking behind crates whenever they spotted movement. The layout of the warehouse was confusing, but they searched methodically, making sure not to miss a spot. Suddenly, they heard a muffled sound coming from deeper in the industrial unit. It was faint but unmistakable, the sound of someone struggling. Momo and Y/n exchanged a look of understanding. It had to be Mt. Lady.

Momo and Y/n exchanged determined glances. As they continued down the corridor, they noticed a faint light emanating from under a nearby staircase and shadows moving across the walls. Y/n stopped and looked at Momo, his expression serious. "I'll go first and scout ahead," he whispered. "I'll blend into the walls and see what's going on. I'll come back and tell you." Momo nodded, her eyes reflecting the confidence she had in Y/n's abilities. "Be careful," she whispered back, gripping her staff tightly. With a nod, Y/n melted into the wall, his body blending seamlessly with the concrete surface. He moved silently along the walls, getting closer to the source of light. As he approached the stairs, he could see more clearly into the dimly lit room beyond. The light came from a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting shadows across the room.

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