Chapter X: Ruler of my Heart

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Y/n wiped the sweat from his brow as he finished his training session. Today had been different; instead of partnering with Momo, he had been assigned to a special task force to hone his combat skills. Momo, on the other hand, was working closely with Nezu to improve her leadership skills. The separation left him feeling unbalanced, as he had grown accustomed to their teamwork. They complemented each other so well in the field that he had grown accustomed to her leading him. The day had been long and exhausting. Y/n's muscles ached from the intense drills and combat scenarios he'd been put through. He'd learned new techniques and pushed himself to his limits, but throughout the training, his thoughts kept drifting back to Momo. He wondered how her day was going, if she was finding her leadership role challenging. There was a comfort in their recent partnership that he had missed.

As he made his way back to the common room, the corridors of UA were strangely quiet. The usual bustle of students was absent, replaced by a serene silence. Y/n's footsteps echoed softly as he entered the building, hoping to spend some time with Momo. Entering the common room, he scanned the area, his eyes quickly finding Momo. She was sitting on a couch, engaged in a lively conversation with Todoroki. Momo's face lit up with genuine happiness, her laughter echoing through the room. Y/n felt a pang of sadness. It wasn't jealousy; he was happy that Momo was getting on well with her classmates. But he'd hoped to spend some time with her. Seeing her so happy with someone else made him feel like an outsider, even though he was actually one. Y/n stood there for a moment, torn. Part of him wanted to go over and join them, to be a part of Momo's happiness. But another part of him hesitated. He didn't want to interrupt their moment. With a heavy heart, he decided against it. He turned and headed for the stairs that led to his dormitory.

The walk to his dormitory seemed longer than usual. Y/n's footsteps echoed in the empty corridors, each step a reminder of his loneliness. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings. He couldn't stop thinking about Momo. He replayed the moments they'd shared, the laughter, the quiet conversations, the way she'd looked at him with those kind, intelligent eyes.

When he reached his dormitory, he pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit. He needed to tidy it up a bit, but he was too tired to do it. Y/n sat down on his bed and he lay back staring at the ceiling. Memories of Momo flooded his mind, her bright smile, the way her eyes lit up when she was happy, her sharp intellect that never failed to impress him. He admired how she could be serious and focused when the situation demanded it, yet shy and endearing in quieter moments. There was a certain charm in the way she always followed the rules, a trait that sometimes made him chuckle but ultimately deepened his respect for her.

He thought about the way she cared for her friends, always putting others before herself, and the moments of vulnerability she rarely showed, but which he had been privileged to witness. Y/n realised that he liked everything about her, even the parts that contrasted with his more carefree nature. It wasn't the fear of rejection that bothered him. Y/n knew Momo was kind-hearted and would handle his feelings with grace, no matter how she responded. What bothered him was the depth of his own feelings. He wanted to express his feelings sincerely, to let her know how much she meant to him, but every time he tried, only jokes came out. As if to lighten the mood, maybe he was a little scared after all.

He thought of her smile, the sound of her laughter and the comforting warmth of her touch. Every moment with her felt precious, and he couldn't deny the growing feelings in his heart. With a sigh, he acknowledged the reality: he had fallen in love with someone who was supposed to be just a partner during a programme. His feelings for Momo had grown into something much deeper. Just as he was lost in his thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Startled, Y/n called from his bed, "There's no one here.

From the other side of the door he heard Momo's soft chuckle. "Then it's a good thing I didn't come," she replied, her voice in a playful tone, as if imitating him. Y/n jumped up from his bed, realisation dawned on him. Oh shit, it's Momo, he thought. In a hurry he started to tidy up his room, trying to make a good impression despite the mess. Momo, hearing the commotion inside, called out with a hint of concern, "Is everything okay in there?" "Yeah, everything's fine!" Y/n replied, his voice slightly strained as he quickly moved things around to make the room presentable. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart before opening the door.

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