Chapter VII: Shadow Syndicate

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The morning sun streamed through the large windows of Principal Nezu's office. Y/n and Momo stood side by side in front of his desk. Principal Nezu, sitting in his chair with his characteristic calm demeanour, looked at them thoughtfully. "Good morning, L/n, Yaoyorozu," Nezu began, his voice carrying a tone of authority mixed with a hint of warmth. "I trust you both are well rested and ready for another challenge?" "Yes, Principal Nezu," Momo replied politely, her hands folded in front of her. "Absolutely, sir," Y/n added, a determined look in his eyes.
Nezu nodded in agreement. "Excellent. As you both know, real world experience is crucial to your development as heroes. Your next task will be another patrol. This time, you'll be working with Mt. Lady again." Y/n and Momo exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of excitement and curiosity. "Mt. Lady is known for her strength and ability to handle large scale threats, as you may already know," Nezu continued. "This time you will be patrolling a different area of the city, one that has recently seen an increase in villainous activity. Your objective is to assist Mt. Lady in maintaining order and ensuring the safety of civilians." "Understood, Principal Nezu," Momo said, her voice calm. Y/n nodded in agreement. "We will do our best."
Nezu's eyes twinkled with agreement. "I have no doubt that you will excel in this task. Remember to stay alert, work as a team and learn as much as you can from Mt. Lady. This is an opportunity to observe and understand how professional heroes operate in real time situations. And please, don't be so reckless this time." He handed them a folder with the details of their mission. "This file contains further details on the recent villains in the neighbourhood and anything else you may need. Mt. Lady will brief you further when you meet her."
Y/n took the folder and glanced at its contents as they left Nezu's office. He tried to concentrate on the dense text, but the technical jargon and numerous unfamiliar terms quickly overwhelmed him. He let out a frustrated sigh. "Man, this is like reading a textbook on advanced quantum physics," he muttered, flipping through the pages with a look of disdain. "Half of these words don't even make sense to me." Momo chuckled softly and reached over, gently taking the folder from his hands. "Let me have a look. I'll summarise it for you." "Thank you, Yao-Momo," he said, relieved. He watched as she flicked effortlessly through the detailed document, her eyes moving quickly over the pages.
As they walked, Momo began to explain the main points. "All right, the area we'll be patrolling is a district known for its commercial activity. Recently there has been an increase in robberies and vandalism, mostly attributed to a gang calling themselves the 'Shadow Syndicate'. They are known for their stealth tactics and quick getaways." Y/n nodded, "What do we know about them?" Momo looked back at the folder and flipped through a few more pages. "According to the report, the Shadow Syndicate employs low-level criminals to handle smaller tasks, like robberies and minor vandalism, so the leaders don't get directly involved, which is why the criminal activity has increased lately."
"Smart move on their part," Y/n mused. "But what about the leaders of the gang? Do we know who they are?" Momo found the relevant section in the folder and began to read aloud. "There are three main characters we need to be aware of. First, there's Nightshade. His quirk, 'Darkness Manipulation', allows him to control the shapes of shadows to create illusions that are not harmful, just confusing, or to hide himself and others. He's been known to escape every time they've tried to catch him.""Sounds like a hard guy to catch, it's similar to my quirk but with shadows," Y/n remarked.
"Indeed," Momo agreed. "Then there's Viper. Her quirk, 'Venomous Touch', can paralyse anyone she comes into direct contact with. She's usually the one who handles close combat situations for the Syndicate." Y/n nodded, taking in the information. "Got it. Avoid getting too close to her." "Exactly," Momo continued. "Lastly, there's Glitch. His quirk, 'Electronic Interference', allows him to disrupt electronic devices and communications within a certain range. He's been known to use this ability to disable security systems and create distractions during his robberies." "Okay, so we need to be careful with our gadgets and communications, our shadows, and hand-to-hand combat if we find them," Y/n summarised. "This is going to be quite a patrol. It'll be entertaining."
Y/n and Momo walked side by side, the folder now tucked under Momo's arm. They laughed at Y/n's earlier confusion over the technical jargon.

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