Khan doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly cowardly professional

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Gordons eyes widen as he begins banging on the doors and attempts to pry the doors open. He gives up soon after slumping against the door. He looks up to see Khan still fearful of what has happened. Gordon gets up angrily stepping towards him. "What was I supposed to do?" Gordon pointed towards the railgun on the floor. "How was I...I didn't know if..uhh.." Khan slumped down. "I don't to do this...parenting thing." Gordons anger turned into one of curiosity. "Nori was way better at this than me." Khan looked down at the floor with a sad expression. Gordon awkwardly gave him a pat on the back. (Gordon doesn't really know how to emotionally consult someone) Khan looked up at Gordon. "How are you even here? Where did you come from?" Gordon just stared blankly off at something else. He noticed another door reading "Locker Room." Gordon had a flashback to a simpler time "Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?" "Ah, Hello Gordon, it's good to see you!" "I remember my days in the HEV suit." "Everything...seems to be in order" Gordon walks slowly towards the door and Khan notices him. "If you're trying to get into the Locker, it's no use. The door is locked until a nametag is scanned and an impossible code is required." Gordon whipped out the name tag from his hazmat suit and put it on the scanner. A few seconds later a small alarm blared out followed by a familiar robotic voice. "ACCESS. DENIED. PLEASE. VALIDATE. THAT. YOU. ARE. HOO-MAN'' A screen came out that showed a random sentence weirdly distorted. "I've never been able to understand that, Humans have the weirdest defense systems." It took Gordon a few seconds before he recognized the sentence. Confused on what the hell the sentence meant he typed it down anyways. "RECONSTRUCT WHAT? THERE'S NOTHING LEFT!!" "WELCOME. HAKITA." The door opens with a large amount of fog pouring out as if this hasn't been opened in a long time. " know your doors!" Khan stares impressed by Gordon managing to open a door. "You know if you weren't a human I'd probably offer you a job. You know how to play cards right?" Gordon ignored him as he stepped inside and turned on the light. There shining inside a clear case was an HEV suit, shiny and made of metallic orange coloring. Gordon stepped towards it relieved to finally see some sort of familiar protection. He pressed a button causing the clear case to fold out exposing the HEV suit to the air. Gordon grabs the HEV suit and puts it on. (Author's note: Not really sure how the HEV suit is put on, it basically just goes on Gordon like goop in the game. But whatever, he puts it on.) WELCOME TO THE JCJENSON H.E.V MARK X PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IN USE OF HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. As the suit powered on, Gordon looked around the locker room. He noticed something that caught his eye. A large shotgun and a few grenades. Gordon wasn't sure what people were doing here that caused them to need weapons but nonetheless he was grateful. After a few more minutes getting situated Gordon steps out of the locker room once again wearing an HEV suit. The suit was a lot more high tech and upgraded, although Gordon immediately noticed that the HEV suit was still extremely heavy. 10 versions in and they still don't know how to reduce the weight. Gordon noticed that Khan was nowhere to be seen. He looked down deeper into the building to see a long hallway. Then he heard clanging noises coming from the vents above him. He listens as the clanging gets further and further down the hallway until it goes silent. All of a sudden a huge scream came down the hallway followed by Laughter. Not a happy laughter this one sounded sinister and malicious. Gordon looked towards the hallway with little to no expression on his face as he cocked his shotgun.

(IN STASIS) Assimilated Consequences: Half Life x Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now