Hello Adrian Shepard from HL: Opposing Force.

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A Worker Drone is outside looking through the snow until he finds his glasses. "Ah! That's where I left my excuse to be outside right now!" As he puts it on another pod lands down causing the Worker Drone to fall off his feet. As he gets up another one lands down behind him startling him. As he backs up his entire head is sliced off. A woman wearing a spacesuit steps out carrying a large sword. "Righty-o, work to do, eh J?" J flies into frame tossing the woman a keychain. "Maintenance Work" J replies. As they both are about to move on they hear a chuckle from behind them. "Y'know...as a kid I was terrified at the thought of Robots causing Humanity's downfall." J and the woman turn around quickly, J aims her MP5 at the stranger, who turns out to Be Corporal Shepard himself. "Didn't know it'd actually come true." J studies the man. "What do you want, Stranger?" Shepard yawns and stretches his neck. "A billion dollars and a mansion in Miami, but that's never gonna happen huh toots?" J growls only for the Woman to touch J's MP5 slowly lowering it. "You're late, Shepard." J looks at the woman confused. "What can I say?" Shephard shrugged. "I needed to make sure he was actually here."

(IN STASIS) Assimilated Consequences: Half Life x Murder DronesWhere stories live. Discover now